Chapter 4

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          My relationship with Josh continued in that same fashion for weeks. We'd meet for lunch in the lounge just talking and getting to know each other. Gradually, I became comfortable enough to ask my own questions about him and just be myself. I was even able to eat my most favorite food in front of him, a huge, crunchy, and messy pickle. I did not even care when the juice trickled down my chin. Now, THAT is progress, I'd say. The attention he gave me was exhilarating. I was starting to understand why the other girls so quickly succumbed to his charm. I was desperately trying not to put too much emotion into what was going on. We were just friends. Friends who flirted with each other. Besides, he still called every woman he came across those pet names like beautiful. I still saw him talking to the others in the hallways, making them laugh or blush with whatever flirty talk he bestowed on them. So, I knew I was not special to him, and I told myself that was just fine with me because I was NOT catching feelings for him. I wasn't.

Until he kissed me.

It was random and so unexpected. It happened on a day that we didn't get to eat lunch together. I walked into the lounge expecting to see him and was surprised to find it empty. I had gotten so used to seeing his smiling face as I entered. Assuming he was just running late, I sat down and started to eat. I stayed even after I was done until the full thirty minutes was up, and I had to get back to work. I hated how disappointed I felt. Those lunch dates or get-togethers shouldn't mean so much to me. I was walking back to the work room when I happened to glance toward the lobby of our building. At that very moment, he was holding the glass door open, letting in another woman. No big deal. He was just being a gentleman. Maybe he had to go run some earrands on his lunch break and was just getting back. But then I started to hear their conversation, his and the woman he had held the door for.

"Thank you so much for taking me to lunch. That Thai place really was good." The pretty blond states while looking up at him adoringly. I pause and decide to hide behind a large potted palm tree with the full intention of ease-dropping on the rest of their conversation.

"I'll gladly take you anytime. I haven't had that much fun in a long while," he states and gives her a wink.

"Yes, I agree." She purrs and gives his arm a squeeze before sashaying down a different hallway.

Before he could turn to look my way and see me in full-on spy mode, I hurried as fast as I could back to my desk. I try to focus on my work, but my thoughts keep circling about what I witnessed and what he said. He hasn't had that much fun in a long while? Meaning since he has been having lunches with me? I hate how my eyes tear up at the thought. I reach for a tissue only to realize that I'm completely out. With a huff of frustration, I get up to head to the bathroom. I dab at my eyes and then blow my nose. I look in the mirror and tell myself that I'm being ridiculous. He is not my boyfriend, and he owes me nothing. But a heads up that he had other plans would have been nice . . .

"Stop it!" I scold my reflection out loud before I turn on my heel and march out of the restroom, colliding right into Josh of all people.

"Oh, hey," he says casually as he grips my shoulders to steady me.

I can't look him in the eyes and try to skirt past him, but he won't have it.

"Wait a minute. Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine," I answer with a quick glance and reattempt my escape. He grabs my lower arm, stopping me.

"Are you upset with me? Because I missed our lunch?"

I look up at him caught and failing miserably to conceal it with my expression.

"Uh, no. It's totally fine. I don't expect you to eat with me all the time. That would be silly."

"I felt horrible that I couldn't tell you beforehand, but I was asked last minute by one of the higher ups to go out to lunch. I didn't want to say no since I'm kinda hoping for a promotion soon."

Oh. Well, that does make me feel a little better, but a small part of me is screaming,'WARNING, WARNING!' because the vibe I picked up from their interaction seemed more than just a casual work lunch. But Josh IS flirty . . . so maybe I'm reading too much into it.

"Hey . . ." He placed a crooked finger under my chin, making me look up at him. "Please don't be upset. I'd have much rather been with you."

"Really?" I whisper with stupid hope evident in my voice.

"Really," he states, leaning down and kissing me softly on my lips. He pulls away, smiling. "Better now?"

I nod my head 'yes' like the mute idiot I am, knowing my face has to be the deepest shade of red.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow then."

He struts off all confidence, leaving me in a daze. What just happened?! He KISSED me. What does that even mean? Do work friends kiss? I don't think they do or should anyway. I will definitely have to talk with him about it tomorrow, but at least for now, I'm going to relive that kiss over and over.

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