Chapter 16

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"Excuse me, Miss?"

I glance up from my from my squatted position from placing a book back to its rightful place on a low shelf.

"Yes?" I answer the man standing before me.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I need help to locate a book. It shows that it's available online, but I can't seem to find it."

This seems to happen a lot. I'm going to have to investigate why our online inventory doesn't always match up to what is actually available in the library.

"What is it you're looking for?"

He shows me a picture from his phone, and sure enough, the word 'available' is listed beside the publication on animal anatomy.

"Let me look in a couple of different places that it might be. You can follow me."

I led him to where it should have been, but as expected, it wasn't there. I then go up to the front desk to shuffle through the returned books that have yet been shelved. After rummaging through about half of the stack, I find what we are looking for. I hold it up proudly with a big smile.


I then handed it to him across the desk.

"Are you ready to checkout, or is there anything else I can help you with first?"

He contemplates for a moment before answering.

"I think I'll just take it over to the table and work on my research paper here for a bit, if that's okay."

"Oh, sure! Make yourself comfortable. We have free coffee in the back if you'd like some. Just go help yourself."

"I will. Thanks." He smiles and turns to leave, but then turns back to ask, "Are you new here?"

"Yes, I'm the new manager."

"Oh, wow, that's great. Well, I'm glad you're here. My name is Jonathan. I'm studying to be a veterinarian, so you'll be seeing me pretty often."

"A vet?" I repeat impressed. "I love animals, but I'm not sure I could cut one open even if it was to save a life."

"I've always loved animals and medical science, so it seemed the way to go. Plus, it's better hours than people doctors," he jokes, bringing a charming smile to his lips.

"Yes," I laugh and then add, "and your patients can't complain."

He points a finger at me and says, "Now you get it!"

We laugh once more.

"Well, I better get to work. Thanks for your help. What is your name?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's Mallory, and it is my pleasure. Let me know if you need anything else."

"I definitely will, Mallory."

He turns to officially leave to find a study table, and I go to finish shelving books, but the smile lingers on my face for quite some time. 

It is almost closing time, and Jonathan still remains at a table, head buried deep into his research. We've caught each other's eyes from time to time, smiling politely in acknowledgment. I was even so bold as to refill his cup of coffee once. I walk over and gently tap him on the shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Sorry, but we are closing in ten minutes."

"Oh, really?" He glances at the watch on his wrist. "I didn't realize how late it has gotten." He starts collecting his things and putting them in his backpack.

"Will you be checking the book out?"

He hands it over to me.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I didn't get done like I had hoped. I kept getting distracted." He looks at me with a teasing smirk.

"I . . . I'll just go scan this out for you." I stammer and hurry away, feeling flustered.

He follows me to the front desk. I scanned his library card and then the book before handing them both back to him.

"There you go. You are all set."

"Thanks." He smiles and once again turns to leave only to change his mind and look back at me. "I was wondering . . . if you'd be interested in going out to dinner or something sometime?"

"I . . . I think that would be nice." I have a fluttering feeling growing in my chest. His smile spreads to light up his entire face.

"Great! Can I have your number to text you when I'm free? I have a crazy school schedule right now, but I try to find time for a little fun on the weekends."

He has his phone out in front of him, looking at me expectantly. I rattle off my number, not believing I'm giving it to him so easily, a stranger, really. But he seems like a good guy, clean cut, dressed preppy, and very polite. He gives me good vibes. He's cute in a down home kind of way, light brown, slightly wavy hair, blue eyes, and a genuine smile. His looks don't intimidate me like Josh's or even my neighbor's does.

"I'll text you soon. See ya, Mallory." He slides his phone into his pant's pocket and, with one last smile, walks away.

I watch him as he strolls out the doors.

"Now that would make a momma proud."

I jump as my co-worker, Jalisha, materializes beside me.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm." She playfully slaps at my shoulder. "You go, girl! And a doctor, too!"

"A vet. He's HOPING to become a veterinarian," I clarify.

"It's still a DOCTOR, and he's not too hard on the eyes either." She wiggles her perfectly lined eyebrows up and down."

I laugh and tell her to get back to work so we can get out of here on time.

"I'm just saying . . . " she teases before going to make a last sweep of all the rooms to ensure everyone is gone.

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