Chapter 45

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I woke up late on Thursday in Mark and Liv's guest room. Mark and I talked well into the morning. At 6AM, I called my dad, letting him know that I wouldn't be coming into work today. Ever the loving father, he reminded me that it was my weekend to work and that I had best be feeling better on Saturday. After that call, Liv forced me to sleep in their guest room versus trying to drive home. I was secretly grateful, but I also felt that I should be at my place in case Mallory showed up. Not knowing where she is or if she is okay has made me physically sick to my stomach, and it was all my fault.

I should have never tried to reason with Natasha privately. I was trying not to make a spectacle in front of my co-workers, so I took her to the lounge to hopefully once and for all make her understand that it was really over between us. The fact that she showed up again at my job already had my blood boiling. I was so done with her and her scheming. Dillon was off that day, thankfully, so before she could find someone else to entice, I pulled her into the lounge.

"This stops, and it stops now," I told her in a deadly calm voice.

"Forgive me for finding that hard to believe, Dane. I saw how much you hated Dillon touching me the other day. I wanted to make sure you were totally fine for him to continue to touch me off the clock. We have a date this weekend." She smirks and is carefully watching for my reaction.

"Good. Date him. Fuck him for all I care. Just leave me the hell alone."

"You don't mean that!" she hisses.

I lean down with my face just inches from hers. "It. Is. Over." I stated thru gritted teeth.

The next thing I know, she flung herself at me. It knocked me backwards onto the nearby counter. Startled, I had gripped her hips then she was kissing me. And in the mere second before I could even comprehend what was going on, Mallory walked in. I knew just how incriminating it looked. Furious and terrified at the same time, I shoved Natasha off of me. I knew at that exact moment I had lost Mallory. 

I keep seeing the expression on her face. It haunted me even my sleep last night, well, this morning.  Everything good in my life, turned and ran out that door with her. Foolishly, I tried to stop her, praying that I could make her believe me. That it wasn't me, for once in my life I was trying to do the right thing, but it was useless. She saw what she saw, and I could see that no amount of begging was going to change her mind. So I let her go, but as soon as she was out of sight, I panicked. It couldn't be over. I tried calling her then texting her every few minutes. Natasha eased her way up next to me.

"Let her go. It was never going to last anyway." She placed her hand on my shoulder, and I jerk away revolted by her. 

Whatever she saw in my expression had her faltering for a second.

"Don't you EVER touch me again. There's a thin line between love and hate, Natasha, and you just crossed it." I push past her going back into the gym as I dial Mallory's number again.

I wanted to leave, but I had an important client due at any moment. I told myself to give her some time to cool off, and maybe once I got home, she would at least give me the chance to explain. But she wasn't home by the time I got there, so I started another round robin of calling and texting her. When it was well after midnight, and she had yet to come home or respond to me, I started to really worry. All the worst scenarios played across the screen of my mind. Not knowing what else to do, I went to Liv and Mark's, hoping that they could somehow help me find her, help me to fix this.

Now with the sun streaming through the curtains, I grab my phone to see that it is 3PM, and still no message from Mallory. I sit up and call the gym to tell them that I won't be coming this evening. I wander out of the room and find Liv sitting in her sun room reading. 

"Hey." She quickly sets aside her book and scoots over for me to join her.

"Is Mark here?" I ask.

"No, he woke up around noon and went to the office for a few hours."

"Shouldn't you be at work?" I question.

"I took off for the day. I wanted to be here when you woke up to tell you that I've spoken to Mallory."

I bolt upright. "Where is she? What did she say?"

Liv takes a deep breath and then answers, "She went to stay with her parents for a bit, and she asked me to tell you . . . to not contact her. She said she'll reach out when she is ready."

I release a frustrated breath. "It's fucked, right? She's not going to forgive me. And the best part is that I didn't even want Natasha, not anymore. I had thought maybe Mallory was going to be it for me . . . like you are for Mark."

Liv's eyes well up with tears, and she grabs my hand.

"Don't give up. Just give her time. I told her that I believe you, and I think maybe eventually she will too. I see it's different with her. Dane, you love her."

"I do," I admit quietly to not only Liv, but to myself. "I really do."

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