Chapter 9

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Dane's POV

Who in the hell is at my door at . . . . I grab my cell off the bedside table and turn it over to look at the screen, at 8:25 in the morning on a Saturday?

"Bull! Shut it!" I yell at my English Bulldog who won't quit barking at the jackass at my door. I toss the blanket off me ready to give whoever a piece of my mind. I yank open the door, but the curse words die unspoken on my tongue once I see the petite blond standing there.

"Yeah?" Comes out instead.

She immediately starts to ramble faster than my sleep fogged mind can process. I find myself reading the front of her shirt. It has a huge picture of a cat and the words, 'I am the Cat's Pajamas' written across it. It's only made worse by the sleep pants that have cats in various positions all over them. Suddenly, she has her hand out like she wants us to shake. I do so, hoping I'm not agreeing to something that I'll regret later.

"What is it you need?"

She pushes the green tortoiseshell glasses up her nose causing me to observe that they match the green of her eyes. She's explaining that she woke me up for some sugar of all things. Bloody hell.

"Uh, yeah. Just a moment." I turn to go to the kitchen.

I have to open a couple of cabinets before I find it. Then I grab a spoon from a drawer. I give it a once over making sure it's clean. When I walk back to the front, I see her leisurely walking and glancing around the living room. She better not have touched anything I think annoyed at the intrusion. I hold out the spoon which she takes, and open the sugar bag holding it while she dips. She takes three huge scoops of the sugar dumping each into her mug that has another corny saying on it. She makes a joke and smiles. I can't help but return one of my own which seems to make her uncomfortable or something because her face flushes pink, and she averts her eyes from mine. Before I know it she's already out the door. It's then that I realize she said she was my new neighbor.

"Just let me know if you need anything. I'm Dane, by the way," I call after her, and she acknowledges me with another thank you. I nod and close the door wondering if I'll be able to go back to sleep now or not.

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