Chapter 42

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The week goes by nicely, with Dane coming over a couple of times after he finishes at the gym. It's now Saturday, and our double date with Liv and Mark is about to happen. I spritz on my perfume right as Dane rings my doorbell.

"You look nice," Dane murmurs as he pulls me into his embrace.

"So do you," I answer and think that I have never seen him not look good, even covered in sweat and grease.

It was decided to eat at Mark and Liv's place first and then maybe go to the bar to play some pool. I'm slightly in awe as we pull into their driveway. Their house is way bigger than mine or Dane's. I had no idea they were wealthy. They both are so down to Earth and have never spoken in a way that alluded to having a big bank account.

"Nice place, huh?" Dane comments when he sees me staring as I remove my helmet.

"Um, yeah. I'd never have thought this . . ." I trail off not knowing how to convey what I mean without sounding rude.

"Mark's a successful investor, and Liv, well, you're about to find out why she gets paid very well to cook."

"I can't wait," I smile and acknowledge just how famished I am.

We walk up hand in hand, and the fact that he doesn't let go even when Liv opens the door warms my heart.

"Oh my gosh! Y'all are so adorable. Get in here. I'm so excited!" Liv gushes.

"Ya think?" Dane comments eyeing her like she's a lunatic or something.

"Shut up! You've made me wait YEARS for this. Let me enjoy it," Liv scolds him with a hand on her hip.

"Don't mind the crazy," Mark walks up. "It's only temporary." He gives me a quick side hug and fist bumps Dane in greeting.

"Men!" Liv rolls her eyes. "You two go do guy things while Mallory helps me finish up in the kitchen."

We go our separate ways, but not before Dane leans down to give me a soft kiss on the lips. I turn to follow Liv, and she's smiling ear to ear. It makes me blush. She leads me into a kitchen that would be every chef's dream, I would think. There's so much room, even with every appliance known to man, within easy access.

"Wow, Liv, this is amazing," I say as I'm looking up, down, and all around.

"Yeah, it's not too shabby,' she laughs with a wink.

"What can I help you with?" I was confused because it looked as if everything was ready to go on beautiful crystal serving dishes. "You want me to start bringing these out to the table?"

"In a minute," she huffs, swatting my hands away. "First, you've got to tell me how you did it."

"Did what?" I laughed.

"How you managed to get Dane to commit to being in a relationship, of course!"

Oh. Why is that so shocking, I wonder.

"I . . . I don't know. I just told him I can't be in a casual one, that I needed commitment, monogamy, and he said he was willing to try." I shrug my shoulders.

"Wow. He must REALLY like you. Dane has never in all the years I've known him had a girlfriend. Bootycalls? Yes. He always cringed when I mentioned him settling down with one girl. Natasha has been his longest . . . friend with benefits. I was getting worried that SHE was going to be the one, but THANK GOD, you moved in next door!"

The fact that Natasha was a close call in Liv's mind makes me uncomfortable. Their 'history' now has a lot more weight to it.

"Well, it's only been a week, so who knows how long he can last," I say depressed.

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