Chapter 41

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Usually, when a client cancels on me at the last second, it annoys the hell out of me, but knowing that I get to go home to Mallory has a smile on my face. That is, until I see a familiar car in her driveway. What the fuck? I'd know that lame ass vehicle anywhere. Dr. Dolittle is pissing me off. Why can't he just stay the fuck away from her? More importantly, why does she have him inside her house? My rage is building with every unwanted thought that starts to creep in as I make my way over to her door. I don't bother to knock as I barge in and stop dead in my tracks, taking in the cozy scene before me. Mallory is at the stove cooking while Jonathan sits at her table with a drink in front of him. They both jump at my interruption.

"Dane!" Mallory exclaims looking surprised and nervous. "You got off work early?"

"So it seems," I say darkly. "Sorry for interrupting . . . whatever this is, but I'll just get my dog and leave." I grab the leash off the counter and bend down to fasten it on Bull, who seems to be the only one excited to see me.

"That's a great dog," Vet boy comments pleasantly, oblivious to the tension between Mallory and I. Ignoring him, I turn to leave.

"Dane, wait! It's not what you think." She rushes over, grabbing my arm.

"So you're not making dinner for ONE of your boyfriends?" I lift a skeptical eyebrow up at her.

"You know that he's not my boyfriend, you are, and I'm cooking . . . for all of us."

I laughed. "Should I invite Natasha? I didn't know you were into that sort of thing."

She steps back with hurt in her eyes, and my anger starts to slip into regret.

"What's going on?" Jonathan is now standing and looking between Mallory and I, confused.

Deflated, Mallory turns to face him. "I'm sorry. I was about to tell you . . . but Dane and I . . . We are together now. At least, I think we are." She looks over at me, questioning with her eyes.

I run my hand through my hair and take a deep breath, but Jonathan speaks before I can.

"Wait. You're DATING him now? I knew something was going on between you two. Why did you lie to me?" Hurt and anger is mixed in his voice.

"I didn't lie! It happened this weekend. That's why when you called, I couldn't give you an answer about another date. I had to think about what I wanted, who I wanted."

"And of course, you chose him. Well, good luck, and don't call me when he breaks your heart." He grabs his keys off the table and pushes past me, out the door.

Mallory plops down into the chair he just vacated, putting her head in her hands. "Do you want to leave, too?" she mumbles through her fingers.

I stare at her, wanting to go to her, but not sure if I should. "Do you want me to?" I ask softly.

She lowers her hands onto the table in front of her. And without looking at me, she slowly shakes her head no. I drop Bull's leash and go to squat down beside her. I grab her hand and lace my fingers through hers.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to think when I saw him here."

"I didn't invite him. He just showed up. You believe me, right?" She looks at me imploringly, and I nod.

"But, I can't believe you invited him to dinner. What were you thinking?"

"That I could let him down gently and send him home with a to-go plate," she states with a shy one-sided smile.

"You would," I huffed out a laugh, shaking my head at her.

"I guess that idea back fired big time," she comments with a glint of humor in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'd say so, but at least one good thing came out of it," I answer.

"What?" she asked confused.

"Vet boy is finally gone which means there's more for me to eat."

Mallory laughs and leans down to kiss the smirk off my face.

While we are eating my phone vibrates in my pocket, so I pull it out and see that it's Liv. I hit answer and then set the phone on the table between Mal and I with it on speaker.

"Hey, Liv, what's up?"

"Not much. What are you up to?"

"At the moment, I'm eating dinner with Mallory at her house."

"What?! That's great! Tell her I said hi."

"You just did. I have you on speaker phone."

"Hi, Liv!" Mallory chimes in with a big grin.

"Hey, girl! Why are you cooking for Dane? Feeling sorry for his ass or something?"

Mallory laughs, "No, not exactly."

"She's cooking for her boyfriend," I interject and wink at Mallory.

"Wait, what? Dane are you messing with me or something . . . or is Jonathan there?"

My smile drops from my face, and Mallory sputters out, "No, he's not! Teasing you, I mean. Dane and I are a couple now."

"MARK!" Liv screams, "It happened! I TOLD you!"

We then can hear Mark in the background. "What? Why are you yelling?"

"Dane and Mallory are together, like, together-together."

"So? I told you that he'd be tapping that . . ."

"YOU'RE ON SPEAKER PHONE!" Dane and Liv say at the exact same time with Liv adding, "and Mallory is on, too."

"Oh . . . hey, Mallory. Congratulations, I guess? I'm still not sure why my wife is so interested in y'alls sex life, but . . . YAY!"

Mark's cheer of support has me shaking my head and rolling my eyes in amusement.

"No, you idiot! They are BOYFRIEND and GIRLFRIEND now," Liv admonishes him.

"Oh! Yeah, that is . . . surprising."

I noticed from the corner of my eye Mallory's slight frown when Mark made that comment, especially with the tone he chose to say it in. Thankfully, Liv covers for him quickly.

"I TOLD you there was something there between them and not just the usual vibes Dane has with his other . . . women."

Well, thanks, Liv. I think, anyway. Liv starts to speak to us again.

"This is so great! And totally changes what I was originally calling you for."

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Well, the restaurant is closing this weekend for some roof repairs, so we were going to invite you over to dinner, but now we all should go out to celebrate," Liv states excitedly.

I look over to Mallory, who nods her approval.

"Yeah, that sounds fine to us," I say.

"Yay! A real double date, FINALLY!" Liv exclaims, making us laugh. 

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