Chapter 27

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If I had hoped to make Dane Stark do a 360, saying that did the trick. He immediately dropped my hands and took a step back.


I feel blood rushing to my face as I answer meekly.

"I have felt passion before . . . and maybe the kiss I shared with Jonathan wasn't that, but it was kind and safe. And who knows? Maybe it will grow into something more. But the kind of kiss you're describing terrifies me. I don't want to ever feel the way my ex made me feel ever again."

I swipe a tear off my cheek and look away.

"Shit. I'm sorry. Don't cry." He pulls me into a comforting hug, rubbing my back lightly. "I'm an idiot, and this is why I don't do relationships." He leans back to look me in the eye. "We'll forget this ever happened. I'll mind my own damn business and won't interfere with you and vet boy, I mean, Jonathan anymore. Okay?"

I smile up at him and nod my consent, but then think to add, "We can still be friends, right?"

"Yeah, of course. If that's what you want."

"I do," I state definitively.

We separate, and after an awkward pause, he asks me an unexpected question.

"Did I catch you exercising?"

"Uh, yeah. I've been meaning to get back into it. I need to lose a few pounds," I answer self-consciously since my current outfit is exposing the whole truth.

"Well, if you ever need a trainer or some suggestions, I could help."

"Oh, okay. I do see you running often enough."

"I also kick-box at the gym. I'm an instructor, actually."

"I always wondered what you did for a living."

"I'm a mechanic by day and a kick-boxer by night. One job pays the bills while the other keeps me sane," he replies with his sexy smile that makes my stomach do little flips.

"Well, that explains a lot."

"Like what?"

"The getting home late and . . . your nice . . . physique." I feel another blush coming on, and I start picking up my yoga mat, unable to make eye contact with him any longer. He watches me for a second before speaking next.

"You should come to the gym tomorrow after you get off work. I'll give you a tour, and you can see if it's something you want to join."

I look at him, considering his offer. We're just going to be friends. He said he doesn't do relationships, and I just admitted that I can't do casual hook-ups, so the boundary lines have been made.

"Sure, that sounds good to me."

"Alright then, I'll text you the address." He makes his way to the door, but before he opens it, he looks back at me. "I'm sorry about earlier. I really don't know where that came from."

"No worries. It's already forgotten," I say flippantly, trying to keep it light between us.

He nods and then walks out the door, and I collapse on the couch to still my racing heart.


The next day at work is a slow one. Jalisha and I are literally the only two in the building, so I'm spilling the tea on my crazy weekend to her.

"So, date number two went well, it sounds like," Jalisha smiles happily at me.

"Until my neighbor ruined it."

"What?!" Her eyes light up in excitement. "Come on, girl, spill it! What did he do?"

"I was literally in the middle of my first kiss with Jonathan when he rode up on that motorcycle with some floozy on the back. Not Natasha this time, it's a Megan."

I still don't understand why that irritates me so much. He's a hot guy doing what hot guy privilege allows. I can't blame the girls either, I guess, but I still don't have to like it.

"Was the kiss good?" Jalisha interrupts my thoughts. My hesitation causes her face to fall into a pout. "Oh no! Is he a bad kisser?"

"No, not bad, just cautious. Like no hands, brush of the lips kind of kiss. Maybe it would've gone further, but Dane had to butt in."

"Like, he came over to you guys?" she asks in disbelief.

"Yes! And he was being so condescending. Calling Jonathan by the wrong name and practically laughing that I hadn't invited him to come inside. Which then I HAD to invite Jonathan in."

"Hold up. You invited him inside? Did you give him the FULL tour? If you know what I mean."

"Oh my goodness, absolutely not. We had a glass of wine and discussed the weirdness of my neighbor. We didn't even kiss again, just a friendly side hug and a 'I'll call you.'"

"Ouch. That sucks. Do you think he'll call?"

"I hope so. It was going so well until Dane."

"You're going to have to talk to that neighbor of yours and let him know that is not acceptable."

"Oh, I did, the very next day."

"Well, look at you! Did you put him in his place?"

"I guess you can say that, but it was after he almost kissed me." I cover my face with my hands at the omission.

"SHUT UP! This is better than The Young and the Restless! How in the holy mother did THAT almost happen?"

"I don't know! We were fighting, and he was making fun of my kiss with Jonathan that he unfortunately witnessed. He said I looked like I was kissing my grandma!"

Jalisha can't seem to hold back a giggle.

"I'm sorry," she states, clamping a hand over her mouth and trying to make a serious face.

I huff out a breath of frustration and continue. "So I'm literally shoving him, yelling at him to get out of my house when he jerks me against him. He then asks if I have ever been REALLY kissed. Then he had the nerve to make a move like he was about to give me an education on it."

"Please tell me that you let him!" Jalisha grabs my shoulders and stares at me with imploring eyes.

"No! I brought up my ex, Josh, and cried instead." I hate how pathetic that is, and the look of pity she is now bestowing upon me.

"How did he respond?" she asks softly.

"Like a scared animal. He instantly removed himself to a safe distance from me."

"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. It's going to be fine. We know where we stand now, and it's the friend zone from here on out. He said he won't interfere with Jonathan and me anymore, and . . . he's offered to help me work out since he is like a kick-boxer or something. So, at least my humiliation will hopefully benefit me with the loss of a few pounds."

Jalisha is giving me a strange look.

"What?" I asked, exasperated.

"Nothing," she says and quickly busies herself stacking books that need to be re-shelved, but as she walks away with said books in hand, I hear her mumble, "Just friends, my ass."

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