Chapter 5

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            I'm a ball of nerves as I enter the lounge the next day. And they skyrocket when I see him sitting there, as promised.

"Hello, Beautiful."

"Hi," I answer bashfully.

"Oh, no. You aren't going back to being all shy on me now are you?" He teases me. "It was just one little kiss."

"Yeah, about that . . . . I don't think we should do that again."

He leans back in his chair looking confused.

"You didn't like it?"

"No! It's not that. I just don't know what to make of it. I don't usually kiss friends, at least, not like that."

He laughs. " If that is all you're worried about, we can easily fix it."

"Alright, I'm glad it's settled," I answered with relief.

"We just won't be friends anymore," he states flippantly.

"What . . . " I stop mid air from taking a bite out of my sandwich. He smiles his devilishly handsome grin and leans in close.

"What if I want to be more than friends?"

I'm shocked speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"I . . . I don't think that is a good idea," I stammer once my brain cells start to work again.

"Give me one good reason why not," he challenges leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Well, we work together."

"So? There's no company rules against it since we are not each other's superior, so it's totally permissable."

My mind scrambles to find another reason, and I can't think of any besides my insecurity which I WON'T voice out loud to him. A satisfied smirk crosses his face.

"When can I take you out on a real date?"

"Saturday?" I squeak out before my more rational side can stop me.

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven then."


               And it was like a fairy tale. I felt like Cinderella with her handsome prince. He was so very attentive; bringing me flowers, opening doors, and refusing to let me pay for anything. We had a romantic dinner at a very upscale restaurant and then strolled hand-in-hand under a beautiful night sky. It was completed with the most passionate kiss I've ever had the pleasure of participating in. He seemed a little put out when I didn't invite him inside my apartment, but he quickly covered it up with a smile and a promise of another night out soon.

I waltzed to my bed and fell back with a contented sigh. This was happening. HE was interested in ME, little mousy Mallory. I would have never suspected this even in my wildest dreams.

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