Chapter 17

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A couple of days go by with no text from Jonathan. He hasn't come by the library either.  I'm starting to think that maybe he has changed his mind. Oh well, it was a nice thought; a decent seeming guy being interested in me. I'm pulling out the cheesy chicken casserole from the oven when there is a knock on my door. I take off the cat themed oven mitts to answer it. To my surprise, it's Dane at my doorstep. 

"I wanted to give back your plate," he states, simply holding the cookie tray out towards me.

"Oh, thanks. I had actually forgotten about it." Which is not true at all. I've just been too mortified to face him again.

"Man, something smells good," he comments, looking around me.

"That's my mom's cheesy chicken casserole recipe. It is delicious. Hey, you want to stay for dinner?" My manners speak before my brain registers what I just asked. "Or, I can just pack some for you to take back to your place. It makes a lot, so to share would prevent me from eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next three days."

He seems hesitant, and during the few seconds he takes to decide my phone chimes that I have a message. Instinct has me reaching for it and picking it up off the nearby counter. I literally gasped out loud when I saw Jonathan's name in the notification bar. My fingers fly across the screen to open his message. I can't help the goofy grin that stretches across my face as I read. He is asking if we can go out this Saturday night!

"Got some good news. I take it," Dane states, bringing me back to focus on him.

"Uh, yeah." I quickly close out my phone and tuck it into my back pocket. "Looks like I have a date this weekend."

"Really?" He asks, seeming surprised. "What's his name? Maybe I know him." He leans against my door frame, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Jonathan what?"

"Jonathan . . . I don't know his last name," I admit.

"You don't know his last name?"

"I . . .  I didn't ask," I stated, becoming flustered. 

"But you gave him your number?" he asks incredulously.

"Yes! He asked for it so he could contact me about going out to dinner once he knew when he would be available."

Dane huffs out a laugh.

"Available? Who is this guy?"

"He's a veterinarian, or will be. He is currently going to school for it," I say hotly, daring him to scoff at THAT.

"Are you sure about that? I mean, you don't even know his last name."

Now he is really starting to tick me off.

"If you'll excuse me, my dinner is getting cold." I start to shut the door, but he braces a hand against it.

"Wait, I thought you wanted to share."

My eyes travel from his hand along his arm, and up to his handsome face that is now only inches from mine.

"You want me to pack a plate for you?" I ask softly, mesmerized by his warm, dark brown eyes. 

"No, I want to come in."

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