Chapter 6

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By our third date, I was thinking that I might be in love. Sure, it was kinda annoying that he still flirted with every female who came across his path (even our waitress right in front of me), but I reasoned that he must mean nothing by it, otherwise, he wouldn't do it so openly. He is just a charmer, and he is about to charm my pants off, literally.

"Josh, you should go now," I try to gently push him off of me, but he continues the feverish kisses down my neck while his hands work their way down the buttons of my shirt.

"Mmm, hmm," he mumbles against my skin. I push up on his shoulders even harder.

"I'm serious. You need to go. "

Anger flashes in his eyes as he lifts his head to look at me.

"What's with you? How long are you going to make me wait?"

I blink, surprised for a moment, for he has never spoken to me like that. I'm completely hurt by his attitude change and a little scared, to be honest. I shrink away from him, and he releases a frustrated breath before sitting up beside me on the couch.

"I . . . I'm sorry, " is all I can manage. He runs a hand down his face.

"Don't worry about it, " he replies flatly, grabbing his keys off the coffee table. "I'll see you on Monday. "

I sat staring at the door that he just walked out of without so much of a second glance at me. I feel a drop of moisture fall onto my chest and realize that I am crying. I didn't mean to make him mad. I'm just not ready yet. I'm not sure what it is that keeps holding me back. After seeing how irritated he was, I'm wondering if maybe I am being too prudish.

Josh could have any woman he wanted, but for some crazy reason, he chose me. Maybe I should trust that knowledge and quit being so hesitant. I make the decision that on Monday I'll be brave and make a move on him for once. Something that will hint at my change of heart in regards to being more intimate with him.

Monday arrives, and I don't let the fact that Josh never called or texted me at all yesterday deter me from my plan of seduction. I stride purposefully to the area of the building where he works. Before I walk into his office, I pause to adjust my outfit. Once I figured out what I wanted to do, I went shopping. Nothing in my closet screamed,'Take me now,' if anything, it would say 'Warning! Cat lady!'

So after much trial and error, I found a very sexy business suit dress. The jacket was very form-fitting, accentuating my curves in all the right places. It had a hemline that challenged Lauren's famous miniskirt. I completed the dark green outfit with leopard printed high heels.

I tuck the folded note into my push-up bra. My plan was to pull it out seductively, hand it to him, and then walk away without saying a word. The note simply stated:

Let me make it up to you. My place. Tonight.

I signed it with a bright red lipsticked kiss. I thought it was a pretty good plan. All the romance novels I've read are coming in handy for once. I started to step into the doorway when his phone rang. Crap. I decided to stay hidden in the hallway, figuring I'll just have to wait it out.

"This is Josh. " I hear him answer.

"Hey, Steven, my man! How's it going?"

"Really? That's crazy! I wish I could have been there."

"Nah, I'm still trying to win that bet I made with Kyle. "

"I know, right? She's the biggest challenge I have ever had. Two months, and she still hasn't given it up!"

"Shut up. He's not going to win. I'm so close. I thought Saturday was going to be it."

"Ha, ha. Jokes on you, bro. I still got mine. Just not from her."

"Lyla. You know the chick from the bar on 31st Street. She's always down for a good time. "

"Well, once I win this bet, drinks will be on me. "

"Alright, I'll see you around. "


I hear him hang up the phone. Trembling with rage, I step into the doorway.

"YOU JERK!" I say through clinched teeth. He jumps, and his eyes go round at the sight of me. "How could you? I trusted you! But deep down, I KNEW better. THAT'S what held me back. " I swipe at the tear trying to escape my eye.

"Mallory, I wasn't . . ."

"Save it, Josh, for your next conquest because I'm done. You disgust me. I hope you lost a hell of a lot of money, you bastard." I storm out of his office and don't look back.

I run into the nearest bathroom, locking myself in a stall. I cry, ruining my carefully applied makeup. I'm such an idiot! I'm so angry at myself for ignoring that niggling feeling that this was too good to be true. All the excuses I made for his behavior! Just a flirt, my butt. He's a creep! And I fell for it! I think I'm more disappointed in myself than anything. I've always considered myself smart, at least smart enough not to fall for a little attention from a handsome face. My one consolidation is that HE didn't win. I ignore the fact that in less than twelve hours, that outcome would have likely changed. The fact of the matter is that he is the loser, not me.

After my self lead Ted Talk, I fix my face and prepare to go to work. I instantly regret my outfit choice and not having a change of clothes readily available. On top of everyone staring at me in surprise, I had to answer the same question of why I was so dolled-up today at least twenty times. I repeated the lie that I had some fancy family function to attend after work (shocking how no one questioned it being on a Monday of all days AND I chose to expose so much boob and leg for 'family.' Yeah, I'm not a good liar).

Josh had the nerve to try to eat lunch with me in the lounge. As soon as he walked into the room, I stood up, gathering my things to go eat in my car if I had to.

"Mallory, please, wait. I can explain. "

"Like I would trust anything you have to say to me now. Don't waste your breath or my time. " I storm past him.

After that, we never spoke again, but his eyes always followed me whenever we happened past each other. Even Lauren with her miniskirts couldn't keep his attention if I was in the room.

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