Chapter 8

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Mallory meets Dane

I slept longer than I had intended. I was due to start my new position on Monday, so I needed to make every second count this weekend with getting unpacked and settled. Groaning, I get out of bed and head straight to the coffee maker. While it brews, I feed Mr. Pickles so he'd quit his constant meowing at me. I pull out my favorite mug that states 'Grab life by the Beans,' get my creamer from the fridge, and reach for the canister of sugar. Or, the canister that should have had the sugar. When I packed it I decided to dump what was in it out so it couldn't accidentally spill everywhere during the move, but I had forgot to buy any sugar at the store yesterday when I made a quick grocery run for the essentials. Sugar in my coffee IS essential. Uhg! I do not want to waste time going back to the store, but I don't want sugarless coffee either. If only I was still in my old apartment, I could easily borrow some from Ms. Prichett, my elderly neighbor. We were always helping each other out like that. I glance at my kitchen window. I do have a new neighbor now . . .  The smell of freshly brewed coffee makes the decision for me. I grab my mug and go out the side door. 

Once I reach his front door, I knock tentatively, suddenly doubting my spur of the moment decision. A dog starts to bark from somewhere within. Just as I'm about to turn and leave, assuming no one is home, the door swings open. I'm shocked speechless by the naked man in front of me. Well, technically, he is not completely naked. He does have on some sleep pants, but they're hanging so low on his hips that I feel my blood rush into my face, as I force my eyes upward. I've obviously woken him up. His dark hair is all tousled, and that glazed look is in his eyes.

"Yeah?" He questions with a deep voice gravely from sleep.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to have awoken you! Now I feel stupid to even ask this, but could I borrow some sugar? I, I'm your new neighbor. Mallory, Mallory Jenkins." To my horror, I realize that I have just extended my hand out for a handshake like we're making a business deal or something. I'm such a nerd! He looks down at it, then awkwardly reaches out his hand to comply. I notice his arm is covered in dark tatoos. He has a lot of them, actually. There's some kind of tribal design that covers a part of his lower abdomen above his right hip and another on the opposite side of his neck. He interrupts my staring.

"What is it you need?"

"Sugar. Just a spoonful, well, three spoonfuls preferably, please. If you have any to share, that is."

"Uh, yeah. Just a moment."

He turns and disappears around a corner. Curious, I step inside and look around. It's not a complete mess, but definitely puts off bachelor pad vibes; minimal decor, mismatched furniture, huge TV on the wall, and last night's dinner dishes still sitting on the coffee table by a couple of beer bottles. He comes back holding the bag of sugar and a spoon.

"Thanks." I take the spoon and start to scoop while he holds the bag. 

After a quick stir, I tap the spoon on my mug to knock off any drips and hand it back to him.

"Crisis averted. I owe you one," I say with a smile. He returns it with a sleepy one-sided grin that makes my heart beat a little faster.

"No problem."

"Well, I got to get back to unpacking. Thanks again." I turn to leave already taking a sip as I go. I've just stepped off his porch when he states,

"Just let me know if you need anything. I'm Dane, by the way."

"Okay, thanks, Dane."

He nods and shuts the door. Well, that was successful, I think to myself. Not only did I get the sugar, but some very nice eye candy as well.

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