Chapter 44

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The following day, I decided to bring Dane a smoothie at the gym. Something is bothering him. I can tell. He hasn't called or texted me since canceling our dinner together last night, which is strange. Not that I have to have constant attention from him, but when I last spoke to him, he sounded upset. He obviously didn't want to talk to me about it, so I won't press the issue now. Instead, I'm hoping a kind gesture will remind him that I care and that I'm here for him if he needs me.

I enter the gym and look around. Not seeing him, I walk back to the arena area, but he isn't there either. I walk to the front desk and ask the two unfamiliar guys there if they know where Dane was. His motorcycle is parked out front, so I know he has to be here somewhere.  A tall dark skinned man answers first.

"I haven't seen him in a while. Have you Tyler?"

Tyler looks up from a computer screen and turns to me. After thinking for a few seconds, he responds.

"No, not recently. Did you check the arena?"

"Yes, I did. I was just bringing him a smoothie. Do you mind giving it to him when you see him?" I asked, disappointed. 

"Why don't you put it in the refrigerator in the lounge, and we'll tell him it's there when we run into him."

"Okay, thanks." 

I turned to do as he suggested. I continue to glance around for him as I make my way to the lounge. Maybe he is in the restroom or the men's locker room, but as I slowly make my way through the area, he never appears. I turn the corner to enter the lounge and drop the smoothie, causing it to splatter all over the place, but I don't even notice the mess. All I can see is Natasha pressed up practically on top of Dane, who is leaning back against the counter. They are kissing, or were, until my untimely arrival. Dane shoves Natasha off of him roughly.

"Mallory . . ." 

He reaches out for me, but I'm shaking my head in disbelief. Tears start to blur my vision. I turn and run. I run through the gym and out the doors, not caring that everyone is staring. Dane is chasing after me, calling my name. I make it to my car, but my hands are shaking so badly that I drop the keys.

"Damn it!" I scramble to grab them off the ground, but by the time I stand back up, Dane has reached me.

"Mallory, wait, please! That wasn't what it looked like," he states frantically.

In my crazed state of mine, I laugh, but I don't acknowledge him anymore than that as I unlock my car and open the door to get in. He prevents me from closing it once I'm behind the wheel.

"Please, Mallory, she came on to me! SHE kissed me. I didn't want it. I swear. I want you, only you!"

With tears still streaming down my face, I look up at him solemnly. "I need to go."

He lets go of my door with a pained, shocked expression. "Please . . . believe me."

I close the door softly and drive away. I glance back only once before pulling out of the parking lot, and he is now squatted down on the ground, hands in his hair. It's then that I allow myself to really cry, the ugly, soul-wrenching cry the entire way home.

I arrived safely, but I don't remember any of the drive. I hope I didn't run a red-light or stop sign. The last thing I need is a ticket in the mail if a traffic camera caught me doing so. As I'm unlocking my house door, my cell phone starts ringing yet again. Dane has been calling or texting me every few minutes. I haven't responded, and I know that I can't do this all night long. I'm sure he will be knocking on my door as soon as he can if I don't answer him.

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