Chapter 35

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I'm talking with a couple of co-workers when she walks through the doors. Her eyes are frantically searching the room, and when she sees me, there is so much relief that crosses her face that I find myself immediately crossing the room towards her. She meets me halfway, and it is evident that she has been crying.

"Mallory, what's wrong?" I grip her by her upper arms, and I can feel her trembling. "Fuck, come here." I pull her into my arms, and she goes easily, clinging to my shirt like it's a lifeline. "You're going to have to tell me what's going on," I demand.

"He . . . he's here," she mumbles into my shirt.

"Who's here?" I question, tilting her face up to look into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go, and I didn't want to go home by myself."

"What the fuck happened? Who are you talking about?"

She nods her head and takes a deep breath before answering.

"Josh. He found me."

"Josh? Your ex-boyfriend?"

"Yes, he came to my work. He scared me . . ."

"Why? What did he say? I thought you weren't going to respond to him?" I ask accusingly.

"I didn't! That's why he showed up, to speak to me in person. But something wasn't right about him, he refused to accept no as the answer."

"The answer to what?"

"To give him another chance."

I think about this for a second, and I continue to rub her back subconsciously.

"You said he scared you? Did he threaten you or something?" I feel my anger rising at the thought of that fucker hurting her.

"It wasn't so much as a spoken threat . . . He grabbed my arm and only let go after I consented to think about it, giving him another chance," she clarifies. "Then he said that he'd see me later, and I didn't want to drive home to be alone. I was afraid he'd follow me, so I came here. I'm so sorry. I just didn't know who else to go to."

I hug her close to me again.

"No, it's fine. You did the right thing. I get off in an hour. You can wait in the employee lounge then we'll go home together."

She nods, and I hear her sigh in relief. I get her settled in the lounge with a snack from the vending machine, and the TV is playing some reality show. I hand her the remote and ask if she needs anything else. She shakes her head no.

"You know where I'll be if you need anything." I turn and leave to go to the arena.

Dillon approaches me as I'm on my way to my last client for the evening.

"Isn't that the same chick from the other day? What's going on? She looked upset."

"Nothing you need to worry about. She's going to wait in the lounge while I finish with my last client," I answer, hoping he will just drop it and go about his own business.

"I can go keep her company. My student didn't show."

"Just stay the fuck away from her, okay?"

He puts his hands up in surrender. "My bad. I get it. She's all yours."

I don't correct him and resume making my way to the kick-boxing arena. 


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