Chapter 19

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I set the plate down in the sink before sagging against the counter in relief that he was gone. When he looked at me that way, I felt it, that flutter in my stomach. The first sign that I was getting pulled in. I can't let myself go down that road again. He would only break my heart like Josh did. He doesn't seem malicious, but then again, I don't really know him. I do know he has Natasha, even if they aren't together-together. There is no way that I could hold his attention for long if he typically goes for girls like her. And I could never be fine with a casual relationship or neighbors with benefits. That's why he had to go. I saw interest twinkling in his eyes. And if he ever acted on it, I would be a goner. Goosebumps travel over my body just thinking about what it would feel like to be held in his muscular arms. He is all lean muscle. I've seen him shirtless enough to know that for sure. My fingers have itched to trace the dark tatoos covering his body, or maybe my lips . . . STOP! I mentally yell at myself. I need a distraction. My eyes zero in on my phone sitting on the table. I grabbed it quickly, tapping out a response to Jonathan's earlier text.

(Mallory) Hey! I would love to have dinner with you this Saturday night. When and where were you thinking?

Not even a full minute goes by before he responds.

(Jonathan) Great! I was thinking about going to Antonio's. It's a great little Italian restaurant here in town. Can I pick you up around 6?

Dane's scolding comments from earlier pop-up unwelcomed in my mind, but they have me replying cautiously none the less.

(Mallory) I'd prefer to just meet you there, but 6p works for me.

(Jonathan) Sounds good. I look forward to seeing you then. Goodnight.

(Mallory) Goodnight.

I set my phone back down on the counter. There. A nice date with a normal, attainable guy. With a smile on my face, I go about cleaning up the kitchen, ignoring the rev of a motorcycle engine as I'm putting the last dish away.

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