Chapter 3

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       The next day, I'm convinced that my social anxiety won't be a problem when I see Josh lean up against a wall engaged in conversation with Lauren, who is wearing a super short mini-skirt. Is that even acceptable in the workplace? I'm not that familiar with the dress code since I don't own anything remotely revealing. I prefer to blend in, not stand out in a crowd. But, I have to give her credit. She definitely has the body for it. Maybe I should even THANK her. She has managed to capture Josh's undivided attention. He doesn't even notice that I walk by. 

So as I enter the lounge on my lunch break, I'm shocked to find him sitting at the table.

"Oh, you're here," I say stupidly. He looks at me amused.

"That's what I meant when I said, 'Until tomorrow then.'" 

I grab my lunch from the refrigerator as I reply, "I didn't think you actually meant it."

"Wow. You think that little of me, huh?" He even sounds hurt as he says it.

"What? No. I just figured you were being polite or something. I wasn't going to hold you to it." I turn to place my container of left-over spaghetti in the microwave. "You can go have lunch with Janine or Lauren if you prefer." There. I've given him an out. Hopefully, he'll take it.

"No, thanks. I prefer to eat with you."

Surprised, I turned to face him. "Really? Why?"

He shrugs as he looks down, unwrapping the cellophane from his sandwich. "You're more interesting."

I literally laughed out loud. "Riiiight." I take my heated spaghetti and sit across from him.

"I mean it. You're different. The other girls are pretty easy to figure out, but you . . . are just different."

I'm not 'easy' is what I think he probably means. I am not going to melt into a puddle of mush when he turns his hazel eyes or perfect white smile in my direction. No, I RUN in the other direction, so I don't have the chance to. I mean, I am only human, after all.

"I like a challenge," he states as if reading my mind.

"Well, you're probably going to be disappointed. There's not that much to figure out." I blow on my spaghetti that is twirled around my fork before popping it in my mouth.

"I would have to disagree."

I shrug and continue eating. It will be interesting to see how long his attention will last. I smile to myself. He starts asking me the usual get-to-know-you stuff.

Favorite color? Green

Favorite movie? The Notebook

Favorite book? A Voice in the Wind

He questions about where I was raised and what my hobbies are before finally getting to the one question that I think was upmost on his mind.

"So, are you single?"

I can't help the smirk on my face as I counter with, "Are you?"

"I asked first."

"And I asked second." I stand to go since the break is over.

"So, you're just going to leave me hanging?" His eyes dance with amusement.

"Until tomorrow then?" I ask, feeling like a boss. I can't believe that I am actually flirting with confidence for once in my life. His grin grows even wider as he replies.

"You can count on it."

I leave the lounge with the song from Lizzo, Good As Hell, running through my mind, adding a little pep in my step. 

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