Chapter 37

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She enters the living room where I am watching TV. Somehow, the black athletic shorts and oversized tee-shirt make her even more adorable. I usually see her in librarian attire, or PJs, I smile to myself. This is yet another side of her that I realize I want to know even more of, this relaxed, easy-going, at home Mallory.

"So . . . I was thinking that I should probably text Josh my answer," she hedges almost like she's asking for my approval.

"Sure, get it over with. Or do you want me to do it for you?" I kind of hope she does as I have a few choice words for the fucker.

"No! I will definitely be the one to send it."  She grabs her phone and plops down next to me on the couch.

I watch as she finds his contact and opens a message screen. She pauses in thought and then starts typing. I unashamedly read it over her shoulder.

                          After some thought, my answer remains the same. I can't. I appreciate                                                        your apology, but I won't give you a second chance. My life is here now                                                      I am happy. I wish the same for you, but with someone else.

She looks up at me, biting her lower lip anxiously. "Should I send it?"

"You're way too nice," is all I say and lean back against the seat.

"Well, I really don't want anymore surprise visits from him, so I want to keep it nice, but still a hard no."

With her mind seemingly made up, she hits send. "Now, I'll just be anxiously waiting for his response all day," she groans.

"Why don't we go for a ride? Maybe it will help you relax. If we aren't here, you won't have to worry about  him just popping up. What do you say?"

She thinks about it for only a second before saying, "Deal. I'll go grab my shoes."

"Where are we going?" She asks with excitement dancing in her eyes.

She grabs the extra helmet from the back of my bike and starts slipping it over her head. I love how she no longer seems fearful to ride with me, if anything, I think she relishes it.

"Let me surprise you," I answer with a slow one-sided smile.

"Okay." She shrugs and grins up at me.

We take off down long winding highways. I'm cruising slowly so she can enjoy the scenery. We drive for an hour, and I take her to the next town over. There's this mom and pop ice cream shop that I know of, and when we pull in the parking lot she leans up against my back to speak into my ear.

"Ice cream? You are good at surprises," she teases. "I was totally expecting beer and chicken wings."

"Who said you're getting any? Wait right here while I go get my milkshake." I hope off the bike and the stunned look on her face has me laughing. "I'm kidding. Come on, dork."

"Wow . . . Do you always talk so sweet to your women?" she asks sarcastically.

I unstrap her helmet and pull it off her head. I look her in the eyes and say, "I didn't think you wanted to be one of my women."

"I . . . I don't." She looks away. "But I DO want some ice cream." She quickly darts around me to go to the entrance.

We place our orders, I pay, and then lead her over to a corner booth.

"Mmm, this is lovely," she moans enjoying a long sip of her milkshake.

I watch her in amusement. "You might want to slow down or you'll get a brain freeze."

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