Part 25

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*Janner and Sara watching TV*

Guy on TV commercial: In most relationships, there's the dumb one, and then there's the smart one, no matter if it's a friendship or a romantic relationship.

Janner and Sara in unison: Not in this one!


*Kalmar and Maraly trying to eat the most marshmallows*

Guy on TV: In most relationships, there's the dumb one, and then there's the smart one, no matter if it's a friendship or a romantic relationship.

Kalmar and Maraly in unison: *stuffs another marshmellow in their mouths* Not in this one!

(seriously the romantic relationship between Janner and Sara and the weird friendship between Kal and Maraly, they're like opposites LOL)


Janner: You often use humor to deflect trauma.

Kalmar: Thank you

Janner: I didn't say that was a good thing.

Kalmar: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.


Maraly: I'm a law abiding citizen!

Janner: Oh really? Name one law!

Maraly:....don't kill people?

Sara: Was that a QueSTION???


Janner: Time for Plan G.

Sara: Don't you mean Plan B?

Janner: No, we tried Plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over Plan C because of some technical difficulties. 

Kalmar: What about Plan D?

Janner: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.

Leeli: What about Plan E?

Janner: I'm hoping not to use it. Kalmar breaks a leg in Plan E.

Maraly: I like Plan E.


Nibbick Bunge: I will have you know I raises a perfectly functional young man!

Janner: Oh, you have another kid beside Grigory???


*WFS characters for what I think they'd be arrested for*

Podo: Identity theft

Nia: Helping Podo with the theft

Maraly: Literally anything

Janner: Already on the run from the cops

Sara: For hiding where Janner is

Kalmar: Armed robbery heist

Leeli: Robbing the Dog Pound

Thorn: For helping Leeli

Gammon: *facepalming while hearing the crimes everyone committed*

Artham: Public Disturbance


*Janner in a horror movie*

Janner: *picks up ringing phone* hello?

Killer: I can see you





Janner: Don't kill me yet, let me put these books down

Killer: What-


Kalmar: I'm ignoring you


Kalmar: I said I'M IGNORING YOU




Sara: *staring out of the window, thinking*

Janner, thinking: *She's so beautiful, I wonder what brilliant thoughts are crossing her mind*

Sara: *What did Kal mean when he said 'You're gonna get it'?*

Janner: *smiling to self**she's amazing*


Kalmar: Yo Janner!

Janner: *sigh* What?

Kalmar: You hear that?

Janner:...hear what?

Kalmar: It's the sound of me being more fabulous than you.



Janner: Run.

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