Part 37

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Sara: Janner? Can you pass me that playing card?

Janner: It's a Queen of Spades, which means it must belong to a queen.

Sara: ....and?

Janner: *hands her card* It's yours

Sara: .......what am I the queen of, exactly?

Janner: *grins* My heart


Kalmar: *groans* Ugh, Janner, this is boring and useless

Janner: Kal, you have to finish your homework

Kalmar: H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K. Half-Of-My-Energy-Wasted-On-Random-Knowledge

Maraly: AMEN


Kalmar: Can I talk?

Janner, quickly: No


Kalmar: Hey Janner, can I bother you for a sec?

Janner: You always bother me but sure.


Maraly: I'm very close with Kalmar. This year, we even shared a toothbrush.

Kal:....I was not aware of that.

Maraly: Well...we did.


Sara: Don't accidentally kill someone.

Maraly: I'm not an idiot, Sara. I know how to do it on purpose.


Kalmar: Yes. I am looking for trouble.

Kal: And if I cannot find it.


Janner: Kalmar No!


Sara: Can Kalmar drive?

Janner: Of course! He has this amazing talent of driving anyone insane!

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