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chapter one

chapter one

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The music played quietly from her phone, filling the once silent bathroom with soft r&b. Missy hums along to the lyrics, combing through the last section of her hair. After twisting the section of hair, she turns the water off.

She seems to always take late showers when the warehouse is full of thirsty ass men who really do act like beasts. Missy's impression after Felix kissed her a few months back in front of everyone, they would at least back off, but it seems like they didn't care at all.

Yanking her towel, she wraps her body and shuts the music off.

Missy drags the shower curtains back, stepping out of the small shower cubby, not forgetting to grab the shower basket she carried downstairs with her. Inside had everything she preferred for her hair and body, and since she was the only one in the showers, she didn't have to move swiftly nor hide from anyone. The room fell silent again, the sound of water trickling from the showerhead is the only thing that could be heard. Missy glances at the clothes she had sitting out, so she could put them on later. She couldn't help to notice that her bra and underwear are gone. She rolls her eyes and switched on the blow dryer to dry her hair, brushing out each section.

She wasn't about to worry her head over that. Missy knew it had to be one of the men in the warehouse. Therefore, she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of laughing at her. She gets that some of them didn't get to experience middle or high school, but they sure were acting like a bunch of kids.

Braiding up her hair and putting her bonnet on, she starts to dry her body off with the towel she had on. Even if anyone was spying on her, she wasn't shy, they were just perverts, peeping toms, and Missy didn't care.

After the big fight with Mina, and the whole kissing thing that happened a couple of months ago, Sin ended up getting two new left and right-hand men. Eric and Sean. They escorted Viola back to the mansion where she would be more than safe, but that means Missy was left alone with no one in the warehouse to talk to. Sin ended up telling her and Felix that she had no choice but to lay low in the warehouse, and Marquez had no intention of dropping the search in finding Missy.

Felix knew that would be the case, but that means Missy had no choice but to walk around the warehouse on thin ice.

When Sin left that day, it was the last time she heard anything from him. She watches his announcements on the tv and even got to see his wedding broadcast live. Even if it was fake, Missy felt jealousy that the man still decided to marry Christal even after telling his cousin off. Felix didn't care about what Sin was doing, he deemed that it was his cover-up story that he needed to keep in order to draw away suspicions, but even so, she was jealous. Neither man has told her where their relationship stands, and she doesn't even know if what they had going on was a relationship.

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