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chapter eighteen

chapter eighteen

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Missy pressed her lips against the younger male's, pushing him against the door. He became someone she met with quite often, mostly because she needed the distraction and the sex wasn't terrible. Any other day, she would just drink away her sorrow and kill time.

"You're so sexy, Missy," Tyler mumbled against her lips as he leads their heated kiss to his bedroom. "So... Beautiful."

The small phrases sound different. As if he's telling these things to a lover or partner, not a fuck buddy he sees occasionally. Missy pulled from the kiss, making him look into her eyes with an emotion that she had never seen before. Ignoring it, she proceeded to undress while Tyler did the same.


"Stop talking."

She pushed him back on the bed, climbing on top of him, and resumed their heated kissing. Missy just wanted to distract herself for the next hour and leave. Why was he doing things he hadn't done before?

Tyler pulled from the kiss, making Missy sigh, becoming less and less turned on by his actions.

"Missy before we continue... I want to tell you something." He tells her making her stare with bored eyes before crossing her arms under her bare breast. Causing it to be difficult for Tyler to focus on her face.

"What Tyler?"

"I like you." The confession stunned her, making her shake her head. "I know we recently started talking again, and I know you probably have a lot going on since your dad passed-"

"Now why'd you..." Missy just looks away from him, too upset to even look at him. Shaking her head, she yanked her clothes off the floor angrily turned the outside in.

She didn't come here for all this. He was making it more difficult than it had to be.

"What? What did I say!?" Tyler sounded panicked as if he was losing something? "Missy?"

"I came here to fuck!" she yelled at him as she forced her ass and thighs in her skinny jeans. She picked up her shirt and turned towards him, frowning. " I did not come here to talk about a relationship!"

"Then you mention my pops in the midst of us kissing, like what the fuck Tyler!"

Missy was beyond pissed.

Sometimes she wondered if she was still pissed at him, or was she more anxious and pissed off that she had to sit in a room with Jefferson's biological kids to know what he left her in the will. She was stressed with everything. From the funeral funds to her now unstable emotions.

Missy never felt so alone and heartbroken.

Jefferson died seven days ago, but she still waits up at night looking at her front door, waiting for her father to open it with a big tired smile on his face, embracing her. When the first hour turned into ten, she realized then that he wasn't coming back. Ever.

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