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chapter twenty-one.

chapter twenty-one

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The mansion was too big for Felix. He never really liked the concept of having a large home for fifty plus people, it was a waste of money and risky for people like him and his gang. Whether he liked it or not, it did have enough room for everyone who survived the big incident. He lost a lot of good people from an ambush he never saw coming. He was mad about that sure, but he was more worried about sending Missy away after he just reunited with her a couple of hours ago. Only this time, it's Missy and Sinclair that's gone. He didn't like that at all.

Even if he would reopen his wounds, he is ready for the first chance he got to see Sinclair and Missy. He needs to know if they are okay, because if he doesn't he would definitely blow up on the people present in the mansion, which is filled with both his and Sinclair's men.

Felix didn't hear the entire plan that Eric came up with, so he had no idea what he sent Missy away to do. He so happened to walk over to them towards the end of them talking, so he really hopes whatever Eric told her keeps her and Sin safe as well as saves everyone that's on their side.

"Shit." Felix mumbles as the wave of pain runs through him. "Can you hurry this up? It hurts like hell."

Swigs works quietly on his wound. This was honestly weird. Swigs normally would find himself lecturing him, or telling him what pills to not mix with alcohol. However, he was quietly stitching him up, for the third time. Felix wants to ask but he did really get the chance to before he cut the extra threading he used to stitch the wound up, and takes his gloves off to clean up everything.

Felix and Swig never had a close relationship, but they respected each other. When Felix first brought him in, he showed him that he was capable for the hard jobs, that require patching up multiple wounds, and the petty ones from fist fights.

When Felix found out about his sister, Mina, and Swigs sleeping together, it really didn't shock him as much. He never really cared about who his sister was seeing, but when they came to him about marriage that's when Felix showed a big reaction. He was happy for them, probably the first time anyone watched a large smile stay on his face for a week and a half. He never knew what made him so happy, maybe because finding love and getting married was something his sister ranted to him about all the time, so when she finally got it, he didn't feel like a failure anymore. He was happy that she was happy.

However, now, his sister is pregnant. He just doesn't know how to feel about that. Bringing a kid in a life like this needs a lot of talking before deciding on having kids. The fact that they were trying, bothers him a lot. Why would they want a child to grow up around all of this mess?

"How far along is she?" Felix asks, Swigs was the doctor for his crew, so he's sure he knows about his wife's health.

"A month." Swigs informs him, bagging up more painkillers for him.

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