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chapter twenty-eight.

chapter twenty-eight

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Felix watches his sister talk to Kevin, before they share a quick hug. He expected her to avoid him until the very last moment before she leaves, giving him no time to say goodbye or say how he feels. He knew his twin, he knew what she'd do to him. Especially after their mother and brother died.

"Aren't you going to say anything to her?" Kevin questions, approaching him with a plate of cookies in his hand. "She'll be leaving soon, when Sinclair gets back."

Felix just shrugs his shoulders, looking at the large TV mount above the fancy digital fireplace. They were still showing live footage of the press talking to Sin, so he knew Missy must've been on her way back. Even though Missy may feel as though she's comfortable, Felix has a syndicate to rebuild, while Sinclair has to get his deals and shipments back a float.

He was glad that Missy could finally breathe now that everyone who was out to get her is either dead or gone.

"Felix..." Kevin stands in front of his line of vision, blocking his view of the TV. "Say something to her."

"Why the hell should I," he questioned loudly. "She walks around here thinking I'm the worst person in the world for what I did in the past! Mina never allows me to fix things with us. She never allows me to be the little brother that makes the mistakes and live my life in the regrets. "

Felix was the second born, even though he tells people he's the oldest, it wasn't true. Mina is his older sister, but due to circumstances, Felix stepped up to be the person to take care of them both.

"But I won't beg her to forgive me for killing the man that ruined our lives," Felix watches Kevin shake his head before looking away from him.

What did he expect from him? Mina has done nothing but prove her hatred towards him. She sided with Gray to have him killed. Blamed him for ruining her life after killing a man who did nothing but hurt them, and now she's blaming him for her wanting to leave. Fuck. That.

"I have done nothing but forgive her for everything she has done to me, but that's not enough. Nothing is enough for her. To her, I'm just like our older brother. A thug with no real plan for the future, digging my own grave just to lie in it." He says before he hears hasty footsteps approaching him from behind the couch.

Felix stands from the couch and turns around to see his sister with a plain expression covering her face, but after a few seconds her eyes hold nothing but anger within them.

"That's because you are!" She screams.

"You think building this syndicate back up is smart! You think just because your little girlfriend got what she wanted you can finally live how you used to?" Mina laughs, no amusement hidden in it. "Don't be a fucking idiot! She just made everything worse. For you and Sin! That girl is a walking curse! I'm just the smart one to see it, so I'm leaving!"

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