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chapter fifteen

chapter fifteen

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Felix comes back to, but his vision was blocked. It was clear there was something on his head, but he knew not to panic. He was set up and that in itself fueled his anger. A couple of seconds later, the bag is pulled off of his head and water is thrown on him. Blinking the water from his vision, he looks around at everyone in the room and his eyes land on the woman of the hour.

"Just fucking great." Felix mumbles, staring at Lia who was standing in front of him with a big guy next to her.

"Did you sleep well?" She asks, her tone was full of false concern.

Felix ignores her and glances around the room, searching for Gray, the one who set him up. Suddenly his face is grabbed by Lia, forcing him to look at her. He moves his face away, glaring at her, but his expression never changes.

"Focus, Felix Jeong." She says in a baby voice. "I'm the only one in this room you should be concerned about."

"Not really much to focus on." He comments, causing her to grin at him before stepping back.

Not even a second later, the big guy who has been standing behind her this entire time steps forward, pushing his rings on, glaring at Felix as he gets closer. Felix sighs slightly from amusement.

Felix scoffs. "Fucking pussy."

The man wasted no time before punching Felix in the face. Left and right. Each harsh punch made his face numb, but he definitely could feel the rings he put on cut through his skin when it came in contact with his freshly swollen cheek. After about two minutes, the man steps back and a bucket of salt water his toss on his face, making everything sting. It didn't help that the room was kind of cold.

He spits the blood on the floor before looking through his wet hair, his vision blurry in one eye while the other was already closing. As the man steps back more, he took this chance to look around again, and there he was standing against the wall, avoiding looking at what he did. What he set up. It was pissing Felix off more that he couldn't look at him.

"Look at me!" Felix shouts, causing Gray to flinch, but not look at him.

The big guy steps again, punching him across the face over and over again, not stopping. Felix knew ways to keep himself conscious, but the anger he felt towards Gray was distracting him so much he couldn't focus on being conscious.

"That's enough for now, Isaiah." Lia's voice fills the room before the sound of her heels with each step gets closer, approaching him from behind.

He made a fist, despite the duct tape and plastic ties preventing him from squirming.

"Such a shame, your handsome face is now ruined." She caresses his cheek with her finger

Felix could almost see her black red bottoms as she walked in front of him. When he first saw her, at the penthouse, he didn't think she was ever getting her hands dirty. She seems like a woman hiding behind the real threat, Von. Still, he shouldn't underestimate her. This woman does run the Chinese mafia all on her own, Von is just a worker just like everyone else in the room at the moment.

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