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chapter twenty-seven.

chapter twenty-seven

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Sinclair sat confidently in the questioning seat. His posture, expression, and his eyes held nothing but composure. He wasn't afraid of Travis, nor was he afraid to answer the questions truthfully, without spilling everything.

"Mister Maurice, we all can agree you're a very busy man," Travis states, looking over the papers in the files. "Opening new buildings, making overseas connections, and a lot more."

"I wouldn't be a successful businessman if I didn't do all those things." Sin answers, leaning back, resting his ankle on his knee.

"Well being successful has its cons, which is why you have many bodyguards, correct?" Travis sits the file down and paces the room again, humming as he does.

"That is correct." Sinclair answers.

"Well, since you have many strong men protecting you, can you please explain why you hired a twenty-one-year-old woman to protect you?" Travis shoots, making Sin fold his hand as he watches the tall man pace the room.

"A man with thousands of guards watching over you, hired a five foot six woman to protect you. Why?" He asks him. "Surely you would want trained men to protect you, right?"

Sin looks at Missy, before leaning forward, his mouth close to the microphone in front of him.

"Are you insinuating that women can't be bodyguards?" Sin questions making the jury mumble amongst each other quietly, causing Travis to try to keep his expression professional.

"No, Mister Maurice, I'm insinuating that your relationship with Miss Davis is a lot more than an employer and employee." Travis states, pointing to the screen, pictures at the party he told Missy to show up at for an escort job, but it was all just to mess with her. The memory, to him, was an amusing one, but she probably doesn't think so.

"Here's Missy Davis entering the party, without Sinclair in sight." The picture continues, making Sin wonder how he got them in the first place, and his mind obviously went to Christal.

Travis shows the next picture. "However, when he does show up, he's accompanied by his main body guards, Martin and Xavier."

"Objection! What does this have to do with the case." Sin and Missy's lawyer states, making Travis cut off the slide show.

"Your honor, I assure you that there's a reason to this piece." Travis states.

"Get to the point, Mister Harrison." The judge tells him, making Travis get straight to the point, not cutting around the bush.

"If she was his bodyguard, why didn't she show up with him that day? It very obvious that these two have an intimate relationship." Travis holds up the flash drive and hands it to the officer so he could give it to the judge. "On this flash drive is the recording of Christal expressing Miss Davis and Mister Sinclair's relationship."

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