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chapter five

chapter five

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Missy straps the seatbelt on and pulls the hood over her face some more. She leans against the seat, holding on to her phone before pulling her knees to her chest.

She was surprised that Felix decided to stay with her at Sinclair's penthouse. She can't recall a day where his superstitious ass wasn't saying the FBI was listening in on him, so he'd force them to use code and other ways to speak to him. Like meeting up at an abandoned gated community. Of course, Missy would tell him time after time, if they honestly were interested in what he was doing, they would've bust down his windows already, but he never listens.

Looking out the slightly tinted windows, Missy could see Felix telling his sister something. From their body movement, she could tell they were just moments away from arguing, and not even a few seconds later, their tense conversation turned into an argument.

"Here they go again." Missy mumbles, watching Mina throw her hands in the air before walking away from her brother.

Anyone could tell that they are close, and would do anything for each other, but no one could deny that they bump heads too much.

Missy didn't know Mina and Felix were Twins until she saw the family picture hidden in Felix's room months ago. She didn't mean to snoop around his room, but she stumbled upon it and thought it was cute that they were actually once so happy and bright.

After seeing that picture Missy assumed that the older woman and the taller male were Mina and Felix's parents. The picture was set up with young Mina and Felix squatting down in the front, while the older male, and clear older woman, hugging each other. The picture was clear that the two of them weren't born with lots of money, like Sinclair and Viola, but she could definitely tell that they were once a happy family despite being part of the working class.

Now that she's thinking about it; Missy wonders if she's the reason for their relationship getting worse. If her presence is the reason why mina choose to pick a fight with her brother constantly.

Mina made it clear that she did not like her and she would rather much prefer that she wasn't at the warehouse. The older woman also thought it would be better if Missy stayed away from her brother, although that won't be happening, especially after they made things official a few hours ago. Of course, the two women would probably still bump heads, always argue, and sometimes be a few words away from a fistfight. However, she wants to have some form of positive relationship with her new and fresh partners' sisters. It wouldn't be right for Viola and Mina to hate her if she's with their brothers.

It's not like she hates Mina. Missy just doesn't like how she comes at her periodically, and most of the time she can brush it off as being protective of Felix, but sometimes it comes across as pure hatred. Viola didn't dislike Missy, but she at least she and Viola are somewhat close after Missy risked her life for her and Xavier a while ago.

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