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chapter six

chapter six

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Missy's eyes flutter open, followed by a large yawn passing her lips. Without warning, a large hand covers her entire face, pushing her backward. She slaps his hand away and glares at him.

"What the fuck, Felix!"

"Morning breath." Felix grumpily mumbles before rolling over on his side, yanking one of the pillows down a bit so he could lay on it properly.

Missy looks behind her, seeing that the digital clock only showed that it was six in the evening, making her frown deepen before she kicks him in the back.

"It's not even morning, dumbass!"

"Don't be a smart ass! Would you rather me say your breath smells bad?!" He shouts before mumbling something under his breath.

"You acting like your breath doesn't smell bad!" she sounded offended, making the tall male look over his shoulder to see if she looked offended.


"I know my breath smells bad, but do you see me breathing all in your face?"

"Oh my God, just shut up!" Missy slides out of the bed and slowly walks to the bathroom, yanking the doors open.

It hasn't even been a full day and he's already getting on her nerves. Everyone has bad breath when they wake up, he acts like every person he had been with wakes up with a minty-smelling breath.

Missy looks at the toothbrushes that stand perfectly in the holder on the bathroom sink. She grabs it and looks around for the toothpaste. Not seeing it, she opens the mirror, and a box of condoms falls out. She picks up the box and looks at the size and brand before sitting it back in the mirror and grabbing the toothpaste.

She wonders why there are condoms in the mirror, but Missy's sure Sin must've used this place for something else, or worse, like letting Sean and Eric use this place as they see fit. Thought made her shudder in a bad way.

Putting a good amount on her toothbrush, and wetting it a tab bit, Missy puts the toothpaste back before closing the mirror again. She stares at herself in the mirror and cringes at the sight.

The dark circles weren't big but they were there. Her face has gotten slimmer making her look sicker the more she stares at herself. Sighing softly she leans down and spits in the sink, standing up straight again. Her heart jumps out of her chest when she sees Felix leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom, his messy long hair falling sexily over his eyes making him look sexy.

"Did I scare you?" he asks walking in, pushing his hair back as he stands behind her.

Missy rolls her eyes, still upset with him for making her feel embarrassed. She rinses her mouth before spitting it out in the sink. She gasps when he presses against her, reaching for the toothbrush.

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