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chapter eight

chapter eight

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This was a culture shock for Felix. It has been a very long time since he witnessed someone cook in a kitchen. The older male was so used to ordering food to satisfy his hunger, but knowing he would be having a home cooked meal by someone he has strong feelings for made his heart beat faster than normal. It always made him think about his life before this one. He couldn't properly remember the last time he had a home-cooked meal with his family.

Missy puts the last big dishes in the oven and brings over other ingredients and a circular pan for some kind of dessert. She looks at Felix making him instantly avoid eye contact with her as if he wasn't watching her closely. This entire time has been silent, besides the sounds coming from Missy's cooking and humming. So when she finally looks at him, with her big brown eyes, he froze.

"Do you want to help me make a cheesecake?"

Felix looks at her, she looks happy, but he could tell that doing all this was bringing back memories of Loretta and Jefferson. He shrugs to her question, watching her smile grow wider. It made his heart pound against his chest watching her become so happy that he was helping her. It wasn't like he didn't want to, but he was really surprised how easy it was to let his guard down when he's with her.

"Wash your hands first!" She points to the kitchen sink.

"Why of course," He mumbles under his breath as he walks to the sink, putting hand soap in his palm making sure to spread it all over his hands and nails before rinsing the soap away.

"First we need to take the cream cheese out of its packages, and put them into a bowl."

"You had access to our rich boy card and you couldn't buy all this shit premade." The statement made her smile turn to a big grimace expression.

He crossed his arms and stared at all the ingredients on the counter. "You could have just bought the fanciest cheese pie they had. Put a scratch in Sinclair's wallet."


"What?" He stops peeling away at one of the cream cheese wrappers and looks at her with a confused, but very annoyed expression.

"It's not a Cheese pie, it's a cheesecake!" She corrects him, making him just shrug off his mistake.

"I wanted to do this because this is how my mama Retta taught me!" She points the knife at him, but Felix wasn't threatened at all.

"Not a damn thing in this world is better than my Mama's cheesecake!" Missy huffs and aggressively starts peeling away the wrapper around the box of cream cheese.

Felix rolls his eyes before peeling the blocks of cream cheese and tossing them in the big glass bowl sitting between them on the counter. Once that was done she started adding the other ingredients while Felix was back on watch duties. Watching her carefully as she mixes everything, not caring to use the stand mixer. It was the small things that made him watch her carefully, but he could tell that struck a nerve in her when he poked fun at her for wanting to make the cheesecake from scratch.

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