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chapter two

chapter two

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Missy sat comfortably on the couch beside Jefferson. He was holding a small paper bag tied in a large purple ribbon. This made her a bit anxious considering that he told her they would be talking about something important. Whenever he would get serious, he would always sit in his chair, the television off, and his eyes glued to the picture of them on the end table beside his chair. However, this timethis night, he was sitting on the couch, holding that bag as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

"What's that?" She asked, breaking the silence.

Jefferson only smiled a bit before handing her the bag, nodding for her to open it. "Go ahead. It's about time I oughta show you this."

With a confused expression, Missy holds the bag and slowly begins to untie the large blue ribbon. Her heart jumped with excitement but anyone could tell she looked nervous. She loved receiving gifts from her pops, but this was a bit different. The old paper bag was fragile to the touch, so Missy made sure to handle it with care. The blue ribbon looked old as well, but it wasn't dirty or anything. The color was washed a bit, but her anxiousness turned to curiosity.

"Pops?" She spoke softly. "What is this?"

This was a weird way of giving her something. Normally, he would just hand her the most on the spot. Not giving her a sign or warning when he's going to give it to her, so it'd be a real surprise for her. That's probably why she was a lot more curious than she was nervous. Her father told her he was giving her something—something special, so now it wasn't a surprise.

"Back when you were four or five months old," he began to speak while Missy pulled out a cream colored blanket, with golden trims. It wasn't a thick blanket, it was very thin and very old-fashioned. The kind that would be passed down from generation to generation, in those old fashioned, traditional families.

"You were wrapped in that small blanket. Crying your little heart out, instantly raising your tiny arms up to me." He smiled, reminiscing on the memory before coming back to reality. "Back then, you never let that blanket go, no matter what I tried, but when you start sleeping with that stuffed animal, you instantly let that blanket go."

Missy laughed at him and shook her head. "Mister Vicki."

"Yeah, damn thing gave me the creeps, but you loved it." He laughed with her. "But I was surprised that the blanket was still really bright and clean. I never saw a blanket look so luxurious before."

"Please pop, it's just a blanket." She told him as she smiled. Even though that statement was to make her think the same thing. It was just a blanket.

"A custom-made blanket. Made from some expensive cloth and gold threading. I had one of my old friends take a look at it, and she agreed." Jefferson explained, causing Missy to carefully unfold it, and hold it up so she could see it better. "Even to this day, it doesn't look old. That's why I asked about the material, it can last a very long time without turning that awful yellow color."

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