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the final chapter.

the final chapter

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"Things are starting to look up..." Sin comments staring out over the open body of water, sipping the whiskey from his wide glass.

He sighs from relief. "Money is coming in faster than before. What about you?"

Felix scoffs, taking the bottle from the table and drinking from it before plopping down on the outdoor seating on the dock.

"Money is fine." He tells him.

"But?" Sinclair pushes, causing Felix to roll his eyes.

He scratches the back of his head. "I mean with you and Kevin, things are a lot easier. It's just our bittersweet Candy doesn't want me to start up the trafficking again."

"It'll bring in a lot more connections." He drinks the whiskey again, his face twisting up at the strong taste.

"It is risky doing that again, but I can see what you mean." Sin laughs softly. "What kind of syndicate are we if we don't take risks? Hm?"

The sound of quick footsteps approaching them made Felix roll his eyes. Sinclair could tell by the sound as well who was approaching.

"Speaking of the devil." Felix mumbles before grabbing the bottle again.

"I meant what I said! You aren't taking women and children for sex trafficking. I won't stand for it!" She yells at Felix making him raise his hand up.

Sin turns around and stares at the both of them before chuckling. He knew it was a time and place for that, but he just couldn't help but smile at her.

"What?" She tilts her head, staring into his eyes, making them lower and darken. She looks good, as always.

"Nothing." Sin grins, making her glare at him.

"Look at that," he says, setting the glass down before taking a seat across the small lounge table.

Felix looks at her face, chuckling before sipping from the bottle. "She has that sexy expression on her face."

"What, anger?" She mocks angrily before snatching the bottle of alcohol from Felix's hand making him groan out of frustration.

"Exactly like anger." Sinclair grins at her before looking at Felix. "I'll make sure he won't start that up again, I promise, Dolcezza."

Missy laughs out of disbelief, setting the glass bottle down on the table before shaking her head. Sin loved when she did this, it made her look even sexier bossing them around. She crosses her arms, walking around the table with her eyes on him.

"If you seriously think I'll believe that, you must got me all wrong, my love." She leans into his face, her anger not hiding at all, but he can see the hidden amusement.

"If either one of you does anything like that again, I'm leaving you both." She threatens.

Felix butts in this time, his laughter low and deadly. As if her words didn't scare him at all. "You have our word, Nabi."

"We won't bring trauma to the women and children. You have our word." Sin follows, making Missy sit on the seat beside Felix.

She smiles. "Good."

Sinclair shakes his head at the girl, getting a phone call. He grabs the phone and places it to his ear after answering. His smile still on his face as he enjoys the company of his lovers.

"You really think this is over, figo!" The familiar voice shouts into the phone, causing Sin's body to freeze.

"I got the family word! They want you and your little homo party dead!" Matteo shouts on the phone.

"Matteo!" Sin grunts angrily into the phone, making Missy and Felix look at him.

"Are you seriously threatening me?" Sinclair tilts his head, a grin of disbelief covering his lips.

"Threatening you," he laughs on the other end. "I'm telling you exactly what's going to happen."

"I'm killing all of you." Matteo barks.

Sin paces the room, listening to all the threats his cousin was giving them. The man had some guts to call him making threats especially after the syndicate grew bigger and stronger within a couple of months after rebranding and rebuilding it.

"You know what," Sinclair stops pacing and turns around facing Missy and Felix.

"Come then. We'll be waiting for you. cazzo di maiale!"

Matteo laughs. "Blood is thicker than water, little cousin."

Sinclair hangs up the phone, trying to keep his composure.

"What's happening?" Missy questions before looking at Felix and Sin again.

"Matteo is coming back." He tells her truthfully.

"I forgot about him. He left months ago, threatening to kill me once he comes back. Now that he has the rest of the mafia and families in Italy permission, he's coming back here to end everything. Starting with me."

Felix scoffs. "Like hell he will."

He stands this time, making Missy watch the two men face each other.

"He got one rude awakening coming. I'll let Kevin and the new leaders of the other districts know now." Felix pulls his phone out dialing numbers as he walks away..

"Sorry, my love." Sinclair sighs, pulling her in closer. "Looks like we got a big war ahead of us.

She laughs before standing up from her spot on the couch.

"Please, you know I'm with you both until the end." She kisses his cheek before nodding at Felix who nods back at Sin.

"Through thick and thin." Felix says loudly before turning around to talk on the phone, probably notifying Kevin first.

Missy press a kiss to his lips. "I'll help Felix call the other districts, we need to have a meeting."

"They aren't going to be happy about this." Sinclair mumbles.

"Tasha and Francisco are going to have to suck it up. Matteo is a threat to the entire Syndicate. He's our problem, not just yours. Got it?" Missy lectures him, making him nod his head.

"Let me call them to set up the meeting. Don't try to do this alone this time, okay?" Missy smiles before walking away.

Sinclair turns around, looking down on the busy city.

Matteo is going to be a big problem, but this is their last war before things can actually sit nicely and accordingly.

"You're right about one thing Matteo," Sinclair turns around watching Felix and Missy make calls.

His eyes darken with anger. "Blood is thicker than water."

"But you aren't my blood, and I'll make sure I toss your body in the water once we're done with you." He declares to himself before turning back around to look over the moving city.

This was his city and he is ready to protect his city at all cost, with the people he love and care about the most by his side as he does so. Matteo better be ready, because with the syndicate up and running with a lot more stronger individuals, he doesn't stand a chance. Sinclair is ready for him.

They all are ready for him, he doesn't stand a chance.

The End.

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