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chapter twenty-two

chapter twenty-two

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Missy's eyes open slowly, the loud beeping filling her ears, causing her to look around the slightly dimmed room. Her body felt weak, and her arms felt numb.

The last thing she remembers was ending the phone call with Eric. Now she's in a hospital bed hooked up to the heart rate monitor with the IV in her arm. She didn't know what was going on, this wasn't part of Eric's plan.

Missy wanted to sit up, but she didn't have the strength to. She has been to the hospital once, but it was something minor. She remembers because the memory was a happy one with Jefferson. She was learning how to shoot her first gun, but the fire of the rifle sent her thirteen-year-old self back, causing her to dislocate her shoulder.

Jefferson freaked out and blamed himself for three weeks before she was back shooting and training.

Missy smiles a little at the memory before looking around, watching the door slowly open. A tall man dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants came in with a clipboard.

"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling Missy?" He asks as he steps in completely, closing the door behind him. He walks over to the beeping machine, writing the current numbers displayed on the screen.

"Like shit." She mumbles, causing the doctor to nod his head at the response. "My body feels so heavy and I still feel exhausted."

"I see." He starts writing again, before lightly pressing his fingers on the side of her forehead, making her wince a little. "Still tender there, huh. Do you feel nauseous when you have headaches like these? What about short of breath?"

Missy closes her eyes, not knowing how to really describe what she feels during the periods of her nose bleeds.

"No, Just dizziness and bloody nose." the nurse knocked on the door before pushing it open, holding a white paper folder.

"Sorry, but her CAT scans are back. You might want to see this." He said softly but he wasn't quiet, he was pretty loud so Missy heard him, and the tone of his voice didn't sound good. "Should I get Jason to take over while you leave?"

"No. She's my only patience for the night. I don't need his help anyway." He mumbles before taking the folder from the nurse and nodding for them to leave. "Okay, Miss Davis, we have your results back."

Missy's eyes slowly follow the doctor who walks to the right side of the hospital bed. He looks at the papers and flips through them before sighing softly. Her heart was racing and the beeping of the machine wasn't helping at all.

"What is it?" She asks, causing the doctor to slowly pull his eyes from the printed papers. "Is it bad?"

"Well, It could be worse." He says in an unprofessional tone making Missy close her eyes as the migraine pains slowly kick in.

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