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chapter sixteen

chapter sixteen

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Eight Hours Earlier

Marquez looks over at Missy again before he looks down at his phone. She felt this odd feeling and was tempted to text Sin or Felix to let them know he was being weird.

"What exactly am I supposed to say to your higher-ups? You and Sinclair clearly didn't think about that." Missy starts trying to make the atmosphere less tense and suspicious. "I didn't even agree to this because I had no choice."

Marquez ignores her, making her fully aware to keep her guards up. He was taking lots of turns, and eventually, they came to a stop near a neighborhood that looked completely different from what she remembered. The police station wasn't in sight at all.

"Why did we stop here!" Missy panics and soon a fancy car pulls up, making her turn towards Marquez but he just gets out of the car.

She didn't plan on just sitting there.

Missy pushed the car door open to run, but she was instantly grabbed by a large man while Marquez snatched her phone from her hand.

"What fuck are you doing?!"

"I'll be taking this. You won't be needing it now that you're going to be taken care of." Marquez grins before shoving the phone in his pocket.

"You played Sin? You fucking snake!" Missy tries to attack Marquez, wanting to smack that smile off his face, but the large man holds her still.

"Ease up on your grip, Isaiah." The deep voice made her head snap towards the fancy car, where Von sat in the passenger seat. "Or I'll stab your ass in the face."

Missy looks at Marquez again, her glare scorching his face. She fights against the hold on her but it wouldn't budge.

"You goddamn snake! Do you really think they won't find out what you're doing! They'll come to look for me! They'll kill your ass too!" Missy shouts at him but he only laughs before looking over her shoulder.

"You're one naive little girl. Why don't you leave the violence to the adults?" Marquez mocks her before looking over her shoulder at Von.

"Von, I'll be taking my leave now. Got to be at the scene before the reporters show up." Marquez salutes them, walking away from them. "Oh, one more thing,"

He turns around walking up to Missy, making sure he's close enough for her to hear.

"From this point and on, the city will know that I found you dead in an alleyway." Missy tries to punch him but the guy holding her stops the punch and forcibly pulls her towards the car he and Von came in. "See you never, Missy!"

The large man, Isaiah, drags her to the car, shoving her in the backseat. He gets in the driver's seat and didn't bother putting on his seat belt as he pulls off in a hurry.

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