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chapter twenty-four.

chapter twenty-four

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Sinclair pulls himself out of the bed, slowly since he is still in a bit of pain from the gunshot. He looks behind him, smiling as Missy flips to her other side, pressing her body against Felix, who instantly wrapped his arms around her. He reaches for his phone and looks at the messages from Eric.

It was good to know that Eric was trying his best to get the situation with Marquez over with. To think that the police situation will dial down for a while, giving him breathing room to resume the drug trafficking again.

Especially while Lia is on her own.

As he sets his phone down, Eric's number pops up on the screen. Sinclair is clearly not that surprised, considering that he texted him a couple of hours ago.


"Sin," Eric says angrily before yelling at someone. He sounds so urgent as if something is going wrong.

"What's happening?" Sin could hear the irritation hidden behind each yell and loud crashing sounds.

"Christal is gone! How did you both manage to fuck up one simple job! One simple watch order!"

Sin sighs and rubs his forehead before standing up, walking to the other side of the room.

"Eric. What do you mean she's gone? Where is she?" Sin tries to stay calm, he tries to keep his voice down as well. "You don't think..."

"You bet your ass she'll help Marquez! She hates you! Us! Christal will tell them everything if we don't find her!" Eric yells into the phone.

Sinclair hangs up and tosses the phone on the dresser. He runs his hands through his hair, which is getting on the longer side.

He's partially at fault for Christal's behavior.

When he first met Christal, his intention wasn't to sleep with her or make her fall in love with him. He intended to hurt her father, give him a reason to pay off his debt faster. At first, he would ignore her, not giving her the attention she wanted from him. Sin would even avoid coming back to the mansion they stayed at together, because of how desperate she was for his attention. He would be lying if he said he didn't care about her well-being though.

If she was sick or feeling depressed about something, Sin would always be there for her, but at the same time, he didn't think he would constantly sleep with her after showing her very little affection, but he did.

Months later he announced his relationship with her to the public, only to have more cover-up for this second life he had. However, all of it was to speed up her old man's debt. That's why he took her in the first place. Instead, the old man took his sweet time, and eventually, Sin took over his company that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

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