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chapter thirty.

chapter thirty

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Missy walks through the mansion, admiring the decorated halls and large areas. Even though everywhere was overrun by Felix's gang, what was left of it, it still felt like a luxurious home for the rich.

"We're leaving as soon as night falls, Sinclair got a warehouse somewhere outside of the downtown area." Felix shouts, making Missy peek her head into the lounging area watching some of his men nod their heads. "Get packed up."

The short woman wraps her arms around Felix, making him turn around to look at her. She knew that he would be leaving, and Sin would be busy, so it didn't bother her as much.

"Are you going to stay here? Or are you coming with me?" Felix asks her, walking over to the couch, taking a seat before nodding at the opposite side for her to sit down.

"Sin probably won't be back until tomorrow night, so if you do stay, you'll be here alone."

Missy takes a seat on his lap instead. Who was he to tell her where to sit? Besides, she found his lap a lot more comfortable than the soft luxurious couch.

"I don't want to disturb you," she says while playing in his hair. "You have a lot more work to do, you have to find more people, a doctor, and fix the syndicate that was broken down by Lia and Von. You both need to build everything back up."

Missy cups his face, running her thumb over his cheek. He's a lot more affectionate than he was when she first met him, and maybe it's because he had his walls up. Now he let them all down for her. That made her mentally smile being able to change the older man.

"Besides," she mumbles, staring into his eyes. "I have something to do myself, so don't worry about me."

"How can I not worry," His strong hands grip her thighs as she straddles his lap.

"We never know when Lia will decide to come for us." Felix warns.

Missy laughs at his concerns, but the man wasn't laughing at all.

What was he so afraid of? If Lia wanted to do something, she would've already done it.

"Felix, baby, just worry about what you need to do. I can handle myself, and you of all people know that." She presses a soft peck to his lips before sliding off his lap.

The male holds her hand, not allowing her to leave him.


"Sin left us new phones, but this time we got new numbers." He tells her, pulling the phone box from his pocket. She gasps as the heavy phone is placed in her hands. It is one of the newer versions of the current phone that's out and popular.

"I never went through so many phones in one year." She laughs before taking the box from his hand and opening it, instantly tapping the screen watching it light up.

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