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chapter seven

chapter seven

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Leaning against the kitchen counter, holding his small glass of whiskey, Sinclair watches Missy carefully as she sits on the large couch flipping through each channel on the huge flat screen. The tension between the three of them was high, more so the tension between Missy and both men.

Sinclair has noticed that she has gotten smaller, thinner, and she looked completely stressed out. It worried him that she's not doing well. Constantly skipping meals, not sleeping, putting her mind and body at risk because she's revenge driven. All of it bothers him. The man just wishes she would stop being stubborn and listen to what he's trying to tell her. However, Felix and his words are getting inside her head. As much as he's trying to turn this revenge seeking down, and help her get the culprit who killed Loretta and Jefferson the safe and right way, she'd rather do it the way Felix is telling her. Brute force with no plan. That alone would take a huge toll on her mental and physical health.

"Give it a few more hours, she'll get over it," Felix mumbles loud enough only for him to hear.

Sin swirls the whiskey in the glass in his hand, his eyes pulling away from Missy and towards his boyfriend, leaning on the opposite side of the counter. Although he was trying hard not to show it, he was clearly concerned about her silent treatment as well.

"What made her so upset?" Sinclair questions quietly, sitting his glass down, narrowing his eyes at Felix. "Did you push her into doing that?"

Sin accuses before Felix rolls his dark brown orbs, snatching the bottle of whiskey, and pouring himself some in the empty glass he got from the cupboards.

"I don't even know why you wanted to come here with her? You would normally hide in that damn warehouse." Sinclair continues to question him, wanting some answers.

"I didn't force her to do anything." Felix glares at him before turning his head away. "We both wanted it to happen, so her mood swing has nothing to do with me."

Sinclair felt some relief after Felix explained himself before downing the whiskey in his glass in one go. Of course the sight made Sinclair cringe, but he knew Felix could hold his alcohol better than he could.

"We both know you won't ever have time to keep her company, and if no one's watching her she'll go causing more trouble for us and herself."

"That's true," Sinclair admits. "However, right now she needs to heal and rest."

Felix pours himself another glass before downing that right after. They both sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before Sinclair sighs under his breath.

"So much shit is going on at the moment. It's hard to keep the media off my ass while I'm trying to settle shit." Sin rubs his forehead, leaning back on the counter, holding his weight on one arm.

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