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chapter twenty-five

chapter twenty-five

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Missy watches Kevin and Christal walk away before turning around. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she doesn't feel guilty about eavesdropping. Their situation might seem deeper than she could ever know, but she's glad that Christal finally understood that she could leave. One-sided love hurts so much, and that's the only thing Missy can sympathize with. Why would anyone continue to put themselves through something like that? She's not on Sinclair side entirely, because there's always two sides of every story, so she's sure Sinclair set boundaries, but she knows he had to break boundaries at least once or twice for Christal to love him as hard as she did.

"Are you done snooping?" Felix calls out from the bathroom.

Missy rolls her eyes and steps away from the open balcony doors facing the back of the home where the pool was located. "Shut up, you would've listened in on them too."

She walks towards the bathroom, stopping just off the threshold to peek inside to see what Felix was doing. Her eyes soften when she sees him cleaning around his wound before pressing a new bandage on it and taping it with the medical tape. As he finishes up, he looks up to see her standing there, she steps fully into the doorway and leans against the doorframe.

"No, I wouldn't. I already told you she was naive to believe that she could have a happily ever after with Sinclair. This was bound to happen sooner or later." He tosses the old stuff in a bag before throwing it in the bin beside the toilet.

"I know Sinclair makes dumb decisions, but dragging that girl along for the ride was one of many dumb things he has done." he explains. "I don't know their full story, but from what Sinclair has told me in the past, he was using her to live out this pretend life outside of the mafia."

"So she knew about his double life, huh?" She asks him, wanting to know more.

"I guess so," He shrugs. "However, falling for someone who constantly set boundaries with her was dumb which makes her naive."

"Does that mean we are naive as well?" she counters, making him shake his head, pulling her towards him once he meets her at the doorway.

"Sin and I are practically the same kinds of people, it's really just you. Do you feel like you can be happy with us, despite everything that has happened to you?"

The question was genuine. Despite them ambushing her in that alley, putting her through hell, pretty much forcing more of their lifestyle onto her, she wasn't stupid. She knew what she was getting herself into when she started falling for them. Missy wasn't naive, she was just risky when it came to love.

"Would I still be here if I weren't happy with the both of you?" Missy rolls her eyes and walks to the bed, plopping back, looking up at the ceiling.

Felix laughs a bit before walking over to the balcony, looking over it. Missy watches him carefully, realizing how long his hair has grown. Everything was coming back to normal, even though she lost so much, everything was allowing her to breathe without worrying about people trying to kill them.

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