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chapter thirteen.

chapter thirteen

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Felix reloads his gun after taking it apart for the twentieth time. His mind was full of concern. He was worried about Missy and Sinclair, but here he was waiting in the warehouse, hoping everything goes according to Sin's plans. There's no way he'll be able to control his rage if Missy or Sinclair gets screwed over by Marquez. He would lose himself completely. It didn't make it better that his gang is growing weary of him.

Questioning his loyalty, his position as leader, and his emotions towards Missy and Sinclair. As he takes the gun apart again, Mina enters the area he was sitting in, alone, and sits quietly in the chair beside him. He didn't look at her. Felix didn't even greet her when she walked in the room. However, he noticed her quietness, and that was suspicious in itself. She pulls one knee against her chest and rests her head against it, watching him take the gun apart.

Felix sighs to himself, trying not to get annoyed with her, but she was behaving weirdly. Naturally, she would already be going on about how dumb he is for trusting Missy, but she's just too quiet for him and he doesn't like it. Why was she acting like this all of a sudden?

Felix sits back in his chair for a moment, sighing through his nose before pushing the other gun he had in front of her. Perhaps she'd start talking if she takes the guns apart and put them back together with him.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asks his twin, watching her start the process of taking the gun apart.

Mina shrugs. "Nothing."

"Did you forget that I'm your twin? I know when something's wrong with you Mina." Felix pushes the gun he had just taken apart to the side and leans back in his chair some more before kicking his feet up on the table.

Felix folds his hands in his lap. "Now, what's bugging you?"

Mina separates each part of the gun, kicking her leg down, before scooting closer to the table. They both used to love doing this, it was fun to them because it distracted them from the life they were living.

"Kimberly wanted to video call, so we could talk to Amber and Amy." Mina tells him, making him flinch at the sound of his nieces names, and their brother brother ex-girlfriend's name.

"And? Did you talk to them?" Felix asks, still not really looking at his sister.

"Of course I did, but I wish you were here to talk to them as well." she mumbles as she starts putting the gun back together again.

Felix rolls his eyes. "Please don't start, Mina."

"The twins deserve to meet their uncle, at least." Mina argues.

Felix didn't want them to be afraid of him, he also didn't have the mental capacity to sit there and listen to Kimberly saying how much he looks like their older brother. The last time he talked to them was before he met Sinclair, so it's been a while.

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