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chapter three

chapter three

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She was out of it. Her mind was scrambled, but the tears didn't stop streaming down her face. By this point, the adrenaline had dialed down, and her muscles and nerves were numb. When the doors of the warehouse open, she slows down the motorcycle. She didn't get off the motorcycle, she was still in shock, the truth about Jefferson just lingered in her head. She wasn't expecting such a warm welcome, since everyone in the warehouse hated her, but she could tell from their expressions that they were curious. The silence was loud and her eyes inch from the tears she just couldn't stop from flowing from her eyes.

As she sat on the motorcycle, not moving, not speaking, Kevin came bursting out of his tech room panic covering his face.

"Where is she?!" He screams before his eyes lands on her, and the shock expression covering his face.

"Shit." He mumbles walking towards her slowly, her eyes flowing his tracks as he walks closer to her. "Candy?"

She didn't respond to him, she just shuts the motorcycle off and tosses the keys to the closest person. Of course, when she moved, the pain from the gunshot grazes were presence making her wince under the helmet. Good thing they didn't see her face, it would just give them reasons to hate her more.

The red lights from the building, where she killed Sam, caused strain in her eyes and a terrible headache. Now, it hurts more when she's in normal lighting. Missy swings her good leg over, standing from the motorcycle, limping towards Kevin, making sure she doesn't display that it hurts. Show them she's not weak. When she's in front of Kevin, she slowly pulls the helmet off.

It was then the silence of the warehouse and the stares from the idiots inside started to irritate her.

"What?!" She shouts at them, causing Kevin to step up to her. "Why are they staring at me!"

She genuinely wanted to know, but the way she asked Kevin kind of came out rude. It didn't matter though, he just stayed silent like everyone else, before looking over her body, head to toe.

"You're covered in blood." He tells her, but not in a shock way, in a way that his tone seems disappointed. "Did you..."

Missy knew she would covered in blood, but the way Kevin was looking, it must've been bad. She looks down at her hands and her clothes, seeing exactly what he was talking about. "So? They haven't seen a bloodied person before?"

"Your face is covered in blood as well, don't tell me!" He shouts. "Did you take your helmet off?"

Kevin sighs, not wanting to push the topic any further. He must've noticed her current state, how distracted she must've seem, so he didn't want to argue about that. He cross his arms before turning towards the people in the warehouse.

"Where's Swigs?" Kevin calls out, causing the warehouse to mumble as they scatter back to their post like roaches.

"That's not necessary, I was just grazed." Missy tells him, walking around him, just walking into Swigs.

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