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chapter eleven.

chapter eleven

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Sinclair sat comfortably at his desk, his thick finger tapping the armrest of the leather chair. He was waiting for Marquez to show up since he agreed to have this unexpected, but kind of expected meeting. Sean and Eric stood quietly in the room, the silence surrounding the three men as they waited.

"Maybe you should've listened to Felix," Eric speaks, keeping his eyes forward, avoiding Sin's glaring gaze. "We don't know what this dude wants, for all we know he might want you to turn yourself in. Or admit to whatever he has on you"

Sin shakes his head, strongly disagreeing with Eric. Marquez wasn't that sloppy, but whatever he had on him had to be good, considering that he requested to see him personally. In a threatening, suspicious way though.

"Marquez isn't the average detective fighting evil with good," Sin explains, raising his hand to his chin, scratching at the stubs that were present. "He's fighting criminals and drug dealers with violence. Brutal violence. He's smart enough to know that demanding that request like this, left me no choice but to accept his demand."

Eric's eyes glance over at Sin before looking forward again. "Why? Because he could come with a warrant if you turn him away?"

"No," Sinclair laughs in disbelief, he wishes Marquez would come with a warrant instead. "It's because he'll make sure to ambush me in public, where the cameras are and make sure everyone sees it. It would ruin me and the company."

Eric nodded his head, but his eyes told a different story. Sin knew what he was thinking, they were criminals and drug lords but you would think Marquez would follow the laws as well. If he's doing things in the way he wants, what does that make him? A criminal?

"We could just kill him," Sean suggested with a grin spread wide across his face. "It's been a while since I got someone down in the cellars."

Eric sighs and shakes his head at the younger man in the room. Sinclair couldn't help but to make the same expression as him. When Sean got selected to be the left-hand man, Sin already knew him because his family had always stood by his father after and before he died.

When Sean was fresh out of high school, he was always labeled as the troubled kid with anger issues. One night at a party he ended up beating a kid to death in the driveway of his home.

He was set for twenty years with no bail, but Sinclair's old man pulled a few strings for him, and his family was in debt to Sin's family. Since then, Sean demanded to be part of the Mob family and swore that he'll repay his debt by risking his life for him. However, Sinclair's old man died, and Sean agreed to owe his life to Sinclair, the next in line. Of course, he appreciates his dedication to the family, but he's still a bit too much.

As for Eric, his father used to work for Sin's old man, but he died after being ambushed by the Chinese Mafia. Eric knew what kind of things his family was getting themselves into, but he was willing to keep his family legacy going. Therefore, it was quite easy, despite the circumstances, to accept him as the right-hand man. Besides that, Sinclair knew he could be trustworthy.

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