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chapter twelve

chapter twelve

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Missy bites at her thumb as she sits on the bed with her knees to her chest. She just didn't know how to feel about everything.

Yes, she mentioned how much she hated running and hiding. Just the idea of being free to roam without problems made her feel happy, but she didn't think Sin would arbitrate her internal emotions with being with them.

She would've been fine hiding if it means she can be with them, but now Marquez is taking her away. How can Sinclair put so much trust into him? What if he knows about her killing people before all this? What if he was just putting on an act in front of Sin?

There were just so many questions running through her mind, but she didn't know whether to feel betrayed or happy about it.

The soft knock on the bedroom door brought her attention to the taller man standing in the large door frame. Felix had one hand in his sweatpants pocket while the other lingered on the hard wooden door. Missy sighs softly before planting her feet on the floor and standing up from the bed.

"Where is Sinclair?" she asks walking up to Felix who only sighs softly at the question.

"He's out there, just wanted to give you time before coming to talk to you." He explains to her.

"That's why I am here," he mumbles softly before pulling a silver chain from his pocket. "Right now."

Missy eyes looks over the object, causing her eyes to shine with curiosity as he holds it in his large hand. It looks delicate, but sometimes the older it is the more breathtaking it becomes.

It didn't have anything on it, just seems like any old chain you would buy from an antique jewelry store. However, as she observes Felix's expression, she knows that it means a lot more to him. She could tell this was a special chain. Just knowing that already made her heart race and her limbs feel numb.

"What's that?" Missy questions softly.

"My family..." Felix trails off before cursing and looking away. It was obvious that he wanted to tell her something, but what was holding him back. "I had an older brother."

Missy flinches at the confession, something she was not expecting to hear from him. However, she didn't want to cut him off, she just listens to him speak, letting him say whatever's on his mind.

"Mina and I never met our father, but our older brother was a father to us." He tells her before looking down at the chain.

Missy thought back to the picture she saw of his family. Of course, she assumed the older man in the old picture was his and Mina's father, but it turns out that she assumed wrong, it was their brother not their father. However, her eyes couldn't deceive her when she assumed that his family wasn't well off. They looked happy, but she knew they were a lower class family.

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