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chapter seventeen

chapter seventeen

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Sin watches as Kevin types fiercely on his new laptop, since the other one was damaged. It didn't take the man very long to pull up the location they traced from the call he got from Missy.

"Wait," Kevin hums. "This is their old HQ, why do they have her there."

Sinclair knew that Kevin was a part of the Chinese mafia, but he did find it weird that he just up and quit just to be a hacker for a gang. He always wondered what happened, but Felix himself never questioned Kevin about it, so he never really cared. It's still weird to him, but his concerns are getting Missy back safely.

"This seems suspicious." Kevin mumbles under his breath before looking at him. "Ask her if Von knows about the phone."

"Does Von know you have this phone?" Sin asks carefully, even though he doubts that this is a setup. Missy wouldn't be trying to keep her voice down if they were planning on trying something.

"No..." She speaks softly into the phone. "I stole it from a man who grabbed me. Von killed him so I don't think he knows I have this phone."

Her voice wavered as if she was trying to hold in her cries as well. "Sin. They laughed—they laughed about killing Felix a-and.."

Sinclair presses the phone to his ear, listening to his Dolcezza cry to him about Felix. It broke his heart knowing he couldn't be there to let her know he's fine and she'll be okay, he really wanted her back.

"He's not dead. I got to him before that happened. He's fine, trust me." Sin tells her to try to keep her on the phone as long as he could.

"But he said he stabbed him, and Lia said she got someone to beat him. Please tell me the truth... I just can't trust anything people here say."

"Felix was pretty close to death when I found him, but trust me, baby. He's okay now." Sin sighs trying to hold back his tears at the terrible memory of Felix being half dead.

"O-Okay," she sighs on the other end, her voice still trembling. "Are you coming to get me? Did Kevin find me?"

Kevin sighs and crosses his arms before scratching at his chin. Sinclair's becoming impatient hearing Missy's pleas and not being able to do anything. Snapping, he walks around the table and snatches his keys, but Kevin stops him.

"What?" he glares at Kevin.

"You can't honestly be planning to go there alone," Kevin warns before letting go of Sin's hand. "These people are more dangerous than you think, Von is also not stupid, this is probably a huge setup."

Sin frowns listening to Missy cry and thanking God that Felix is alive and that they found her. He pulls the phone from his ear and looks away not trying to lash out at him, but he was making it hard not to. Telling him not to go save Missy is like signing his life away.

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