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chapter twenty-three.

chapter twenty-three

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Missy hides her face from the media and journalists who were trying to ask her questions. For someone who just told them, less than twenty-four hours ago, what she went through, they were not empathetic at all. Even if they were trying to get information, they all were irritating her.

"Missy! Missy! Did Detective Marquez actually kidnap you?!"

"Miss Davis! Is it true that Marquez saved you from Sinclair Maurice?!"

"Missy, are you having an affair with Sinclair Maurice?!"

Eric and Missy finally make it to the matte black sports car. She grips the door handle, trying to pull it open but the door is locked. Missy looks up from under the cap that Eric brought her, watching Eric mouth sorry before unlocking the car doors. She sits down in the passenger seat and lets out a long sigh.

"What the fuck is going on? How are they formulating these questions? I told them nothing about Sinclair."

"You didn't but Marquez has been spilling the beans since you exposed him on live tv. Not going to lie, because you have that video, which only can be accessed through the police street cams, there are some people side-eyeing you, but not too many to be worried about." Eric explains as he starts the car, pulling off instantly before the press crowds around the vehicle, and that'd make it hard for them to leave. "This is why we need to go see Sin. His word would end this instantly."

"This was your plan, it seems like you had everything under control-"

"I do have everything under control. You just have to let everything roll into place." He speeds up, completely ignoring the yellow light. Missy pulls her seatbelt on, looking out the window as they pass by neighborhoods that she hasn't seen in such a long time.

Each abandoned apartment, store, and bank they pass made her miss the precious days she had as a teenager. Running the streets, making mistakes, and learning from them. It made her remember the small things she has done for and with Jefferson in the public parks. It made her miss it all. The laughter, small talks, training, surprisingly.

She misses her family.

The family she still loves and treasures.


"What?" She mumbles feeling the tears roll down her cheek before she quickly wipes it.

"I said what did you want to stop and get? I know you said you were hungry, so what do you want?" Eric asks as he speeds past another yellow light. "I know it's a jerk joint around here, but it's like at the edge of downtown. Uptown folks don't know nothing about jerk chicken."

"Aren't you an uptown folk?" Missy watches Eric smile a bit before laughing to himself. He glances over at her before turning his head back to the road.

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