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chapter nineteen

chapter nineteen

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Missy pulls on one of Felix's shirts, pushing her straightened hair back, trying to make it look less messy. She turns around to the bed, watching Sinclair put his clothes back on while Felix stares off at the ceiling, not bothering to get up.

"What are you planning on telling her?" Felix asks, putting his hands behind his head. His eyes glanced from the ceiling and met hers as she pulled on some of his sweatpants, rolling the waist part up a few times so they wouldn't fall.

"I won't be telling her anything," she says as she watches Sin stand from the bed wince slightly, probably since his back might be hurting. Felix was rough on him, despite his injury, but she's not complaining it was a hot sight to see.

"I'll be asking her a lot of questions, and if she refuses to answer them, I'm going to make her answer them." Missy declares.

"What about Von?" Sin mentions rolling his shoulders trying to get rid of some of the tension. "If he's as smart as people say, he knows we have her here."

"My brother," Missy starts, before looking away from them both. "I don't think I'm even comfortable with calling him that. He's a stranger who killed the two people I love most for no reason at all."

Her voice quivers, causing her to sit down at the end of the bed, hugging herself. Missy feels the bed dip behind her, before Felix's toned arm wraps around her torso, pulling her back towards his chest.

"The fact that he tried to give you a reason is fucking insane." He tells her, making her look down at her hands.

"Maybe that night when Jefferson showed me my old baby clothes," she tried to hold back the tears but she couldn't. "Was his way of asking me if I would leave if my family did come back."

Missy didn't know what she was thinking about, but since she learned the truth about her family and who killed Jefferson and Loretta, she just doesn't know what to think anymore. She doesn't know who she is, it's like she lost herself.

"Maybe if I would've looked for my biological family," she starts as Felix comforts her. "Jefferson and Loretta would still be alive."

Her tears wouldn't stop and her thoughts wouldn't turn off. All she could do is sob in Felix's chest as he rubs her back to calm her down. Missy wanted to blame everyone for her life spinning out of control, but she knew that wouldn't be fair to the people who had nothing to do with it.

"Honestly I feel like this is my family's fault. If my dad wouldn't have killed your biological parents," Sinclair sighs. " Von would've been on our side, probably training me or something."

"So I would've been tied to this life regardless," Missy laughs a bit. "Just imagine if Von didn't drop me at Jefferson's. You two would've been dealing with me and Von."

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