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chapter nine

chapter nine

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The room was obviously tense, and the only thing that filled the large area was Lia's laugh. Missy couldn't believe that she was laughing, in her face at that. The gun Lia had just had pointed at Sinclair's face was now by her side, while her long slender arms were holding her stomach. She wasn't doing a small subtle laugh, she was laughing out loud as if Missy's threat was nothing but white nouse.

Missy didn't find anything funny, and she just about had it with her fucking Attitude. Breaking into Sinclair's penthouse, beating his doorman, and now threatening Felix, Sinclair, and her. Not to mention she killed Loretta and Jefferson, the only two people she loved the most in this world.

Lia's laughter calms down before she stares at Missy. "You honestly think I ordered him to kill two old people? Trust me, sweetheart, I have way more important things to do."

Lia grins as the silence continued after she made her statement. They follow her around in the room as she makes her way towards Von, the man that has been staring Felix down this whole time, probably observing him. Grinning ear to ear, Lia eyes Missy, placing her smooth hand onto her tiny waist while waving the gun around. It was clear she had no idea how to use it for real.

"Von does these things on his own. Do I know why he killed them?" She smiles and looks at Von before looking at Missy again. "Yes. I know why he did it."

Lia sighs softly before showing off a fake pout. "Will I tell you why?"

"No." She giggles as she drags the word out, making Missy's stomach turn at the tone of her voice.

"But that's why we're here," She looks around. "During dinner, it seems."

Missy knows she's visibly shaking with anger, she could tell that the moment her adrenaline kicks in she won't be able to bring herself out of her anger. She was already seeing red while watching Lia whisper something to Von before stepping back a bit.

"She's all yours, Von." Lia says softly.

Lia walks through the other four men standing behind Von, stopping at the elevator, leaning her back against the wall beside the doors. The other four men didn't hesitate at all. They came charging without a thought. She puts her hands up, ready to fight them off, but they ignored her and went right for Felix and Sinclair.

They were completely avoiding her, even when she tried to help, they would block her hits and avoid being near her. It was weird. It was confusing her.

"Don't just stand there! Get him!" Felix yells as the first guy swings at him, causing his quick reflexes to block the hits with both of his forearms.

Quickly looking at Sinclair, he was dodging the dagger that they were trying to cut him with. She doesn't know why she's so worried about them when she knows they could do fine on their own, but fighting against weapons with no weapon to defend yourself is harder than it looks.

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