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chapter fourteen

chapter fourteen

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Sinclair hoped that Felix didn't do anything stupid. It's like he had to keep an eye on him twenty-four seven. However he couldn't blame him. Sinclair was pissed off too, he made a deal with Marquez to protect Missy, and now he fucked up. He lied to him and now Missy is gone because of his decision.

"Boss," Eric says as he continues to drive to the police station. "What are you planning on doing or saying once we get there? You know we can't just barge in and kill him."

"I know," Sinclair mumbles under his breath.

The man had no idea what he was going to do, but he knew he was trying to calm his anger, because if he continued on like this, he would probably pull a Felix and just walk in swinging.

"Boss we're here," Sean says. "Damn, the press are covering this place."

Sinclair gets out of the car, slamming it close, causing reports to turn around. He walks past them, his anger covering his face the closer he got to the door where Marquez was shaking hands with different higher ups. He saw red. Sinclair was not holding anything back.

Once Marquez walked inside, Sinclair followed behind him. "You mother fucker!"

Vince turns around and Sinclair fist collides with his nose. Of course, he was angry about Missy, but he knew that the only logical reason for him being here is because of the situation with Christal, since publicly he's married to her, and the public knows about their affair, he'll just use that as a reason.

"You slept with my wife!" Sinclair tries to go in for another punch, but the officers surrounding him hold him down, forcing him on the floor.

He could hear Eric and Sean behind him, getting held down as well. He knew then they were all in handcuffs. Marquez squats down in front of Sin, and grips his hair to see his face. The man grins before shaking his head.

"You look good down here, at my feet, Sinclair." His smug grin still covers his face. "You got a lot of balls coming in here punching a detective."

"Fuck you! You lying piece of Shit!" Sin says, causing Marquez grin to fade before he stands up from his squatting position.

"Stand him up." Marquez demands, causing his lackeys to force Sinclair up. "I see you are very angry. Why don't we have a conversation in private?"

Sinclair didn't want to talk, he lied to him, he took Missy, he broke the deal despite him telling him everything about Von and Lia. He went against everything and everyone for this deal and now Missy is gone because of him. Just knowing that made him restless, and Felix warned him before he even left to see Marquez.

"Take him and his dogs to the interrogation room." Vince commands.

Sean and Eric were dragged ahead of him, and after walking down a long hallway with many eyes on them, they were thrown in a room with no windows and a two-way mirror. Sean sat down on the couch in the corner of the room, while Eric and him took a seat in the chairs near the table.

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