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chapter four

chapter four

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"If the bomb doesn't designate, what's going to happen? What if they find the planted bombs on their cargo?" Felix's deep voice could be heard, causing the sleeping girl to turn over, trying to fall back to sleep.

"We better hope that shit blows up tonight," Sin says loudly.

"Shut up!" Missy groans out loud, putting the pillow over her head.

Just as Missy starts to feel herself falling asleep again, strong hands wrap around her ankles, yanking her down to the edge of the bed. Screaming, Missy quickly sits up pulling the tee down since she had nothing under it.

"What the fuck!" She yells at Felix, the culprit that rudely forced her awake, but he only rolls his eyes at her outburst, crossing his arms over his chest.

Missy looks between the two men before smacking her teeth together, making a popping sound, before crawling back to the top of the bed to sleep.

"Since yall wanna be rude as fuck, I'm going my ass back to sleep." She tells them as she gets settled in the bed again.

"Kevin told us what happened, dolcezza. It wasn't much, but it was enough for us to be worried." Sinclair says softly, making the girl stop in the middle of the bed.

"Is that so?" She sighs softly, not wanting to recall the intense event that happened earlier on this evening.

"What the fuck happened, Missy." Felix's bluntness never fails to irritate her. Not because he's blunt, but because he doesn't know when to drop the attitude hidden behind the tone of his blunt words.

Taking a deep breath, crawling back to the end of the bed. "I killed Sam."

Sinclair's face hardens before his arms mirror Felix's, giving Missy his full attention. She sits down at the edge of the bed, standing up for a second to pull the tee down. She quickly sits back down already feeling overwhelmed by their presence a bit, since she just woke up.

"You killed him?" Sin repeats, making her almost feel like she did make a mistake. He held the same expression Kevin had when he asked her if she took her helmet off, knowing that he already knew that answer.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Felix knew I intended to kill him! Why is it such a bad thing to kill someone who murdered my father!"

"You broke into Lia's brothel house to kill one guy? And not just any guy! An important guy! Missy that's so fucking irrational and risky!" Sin yells before turning around, running his fingers through his hair before looking at Felix. "And you encouraged her to do it!"

"You did too the moment you gave up the information!" Felix counters, making Missy just hold her head in her hands, knowing the two were about to bicker nonstop.

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