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chapter ten

chapter ten

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Missy expected to wake up with two men sandwiching her, but she was in the bed alone. Not waking up to see at least one of their faces kind of made her feel sad a bit, but they have yet to make what they had going on exclusive. Sure they kiss and touch, but that's not what made Missy fall head over heels for them. It's the passion they share no matter how emotional they become.

Even so, what bothered her the most is being with them despite the life they are living by choice. Missy planned to leave the city, live a normal life without worry. She didn't want to continue living life the way she was at the moment. Hiding, avoiding the public, socializing with no one but the two men she fell for. There's nothing wrong with that, but she wishes she had someone else to talk to.

Slowly climbing out of the bed, Missy made her way to the door. She pulls it open and walks out into the empty main area of the penthouse.

"Where did they go?" Missy mumbles to herself before looking around the penthouse. She stops at the kitchen, seeing that everything was cleaned and even the food was stored in the refrigerator.

She did work hard on the soul food she cooked, so she's grateful they saved it all. She was even more grateful that Sinclair and Felix enjoyed it, even though she didn't get the chance to taste her own hard work. It was cute when she watched Felix stuff his face with mac and cheese. He seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Missy closes the refrigerator before walking over to the cupboard, grabbing a glass cup. She fills the cup with ice before filling the glass up with water. As she drinks half of it, she walks towards the balcony door, looking over the skyline. Missy could never get used to seeing the view. The sunset, the skyscrapers casting pretty lights from her point of view. If only she wasn't being hunted down by the police she would probably be out enjoying the uptown city a lot more. Going shopping, eating at expensive restaurants, and dressing up to watch expensive shows. Like ballet or opera. She didn't know but she did want to experience it.

"That took too fucking long!" A familiar voice could be heard after the elevator doors opened. Missy turns around seeing Eric, Sean, Felix, and Sinclair walk off of the elevator.

"Why are you awake right now?" Sin asks as he walks up to her, dressed in casual clothes and not his everyday get-up. The suit, the tie, the nice slacks. He was just in some standard jeans and a designer shirt.

His large hand caresses her cheek, gently running his thumb under her eye. Missy flinches away from his hand, wincing at the pain.

"I woke up and you two weren't in bed." She says, looking up into his eyes.

Sinclair sighs softly and walks away to the kitchen. Felix plops down on the couch, lighting a cigarette he pulled out his red and white cigarette box. He puffs a cloud of smoke from his lips before running his hands through his messy wavy hair.

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