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chapter twenty.

chapter twenty

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The tight grip on her wrist made her drop the gun. Looking at the culprit, Felix had his hand wrapped around her wrist. He didn't look happy at all, and it was because of the irrational decision Missy chose. She was about to speak but a scream, a piercing scream that Missy was all too unfamiliar with.

Lia drops to her knees, crying over Von's body.

What happened?

Kevin slowly emerges out of nowhere, still holding the gun up. They thought he left, but perhaps he came back. It was unexpected, and maybe it was because seconds ago Missy planned on ending her life to hurt Von as much as he hurt her.

Another gunshot.

Missy flinches pressing against Felix more. Kevin was emptying the entire clip on Von's body, leaving Lia there beside him traumatized to the point that she couldn't speak.

"K-Kevin..." Felix murmurs but the taller male just ignores him and drops the gun. He steps over the bodies on the ground and yanks Lia up from her stop beside Von's body.

"Take your men and get out of here," He tells her, pushing Lia towards the dozen men who came in with Von to ambush them.

Lia stood there, tears streaming down her face before she takes a step forward as if she didn't care about that, as if she cared more about Missy's brother than anyone surrounding her.

"Now Lia!"

"I'm not leaving him here! I'm not leaving him!" She screams before running to his body, kneeling, putting his head on her lap. Her tears covered her face. "Just let me take him... Please..."

Felix pushes Missy to the side and storms over to Lia. He grips a fist full of her hair and dragged her away from the body. Lia kicked and screamed, telling Felix to let her go. The guys who had the guns just stood there dumbfounded, not even attempting to protect Lia.

"You tried to kill me," Felix lets go of her hair the moment he gets into the middle of the warehouse. "Convinced one of my best friends to turn on me, kidnapped my girl, shot my boyfriend, and killed half of my people. Yet you want us to give you what you want?"

Felix laughs before the smile instantly drops before he kicks her in the face. She was sobbing and the scene was hard to watch, Missy didn't know whether to stop him or help.

Kevin on the other hand storms towards Felix gripping his arm.

"Stop, she had enough!"

"Enough! This is not enough! This will never be enough for what she has done!" Felix squats down gripping Lia's hair again so she can look him in the eyes. "Get the fuck out of here before I shoot you between your fucking eyes."

Kevin sighs looking down at Lia who was trying to get up. He reaches down to help her but she slaps his hand away before the gunmen finally help her, pointing the guns at him.

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