Chapter Six "Rise of Scorpion Arc"

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The scene opens up with a shot of window as it pans around the room before stopping at a desk as a phone lays there while being charged, soon the phone vibrates as someone shoots a web at it pulling it towards them unlocking it as a Police officer is heard.

Policeman:We got a stolen Oscorp truck I repeat we got a stolen Oscorp truck, it's battering it's way down Chinatown.

The person in the bed gets up as they place their phone on the night stand and tap the screen as something plays from it.

As the song plays Y/n begins to get into his suit as he puts on his boots after putting on the jump suit, then he puts on his gloves as he shoots a web at his mask bringing it towards him before putting it on his face as the camera pans back to reveal him in his full Spider Suit, he looks around the room before grabbing his phone and backpack placing it on his back as he jumps out the window and swings into the city.

He makes his way towards Chinatown as that's where the robbery is said to be, as he makes his way there people see him and cheer for their hero, Spidey runs along the wall before jumping off and diving towards the ground and getting close to it before shooting a web and pulling himself last second.

Meanwhile with the robbery we the truck that has an Oscorp logo on the side barrel through Chinatown as people get out of the way of it while Police cars chase it from behind, the driver looks to his crew in the back telling them that he believes they're gonna get away but then a loud thud this gets their attention as they look to the hood of the truck and see Spider-Man right there.

Spider-Man:Hello There.

Driver:It's Spider-Man!

The driver then begins to drive the truck more erratically trying to get Spider-Man of but he just moves to the top and then later goes to the back as he opens the back doors and kicks one of the guys in the face, the other guy goes to attack Spider-Man but he simply dodges the attacks as if they're nothing eventually getting the guy to accidentally hit the other guy who was just getting up from the kick.

Spider-Man quickly finishes him off after he hit his friend by chopping him on the neck knocking him out before he webs the two guys to the floor of the back, he then jumps out the back and lands on the top as the driver sticks his hand out with gun trying to shoot him but Spider-Man simply dodges the bullets and pulls the driver out slamming him onto the roof knocking him out and webbing him to the roof.

After he jumps to the front of the car while shooting out two webs on adjacent buildings and using his momentum and strength to stop the truck which works as it slows down before completely stopping, Spidey let's go of the webs and jumps off the truck as Police begin to arrive with one getting of their car to reveal Captain Stacy.

Captain Stacy:Good work Spider-Man.

Spider-Man:Wow Captain Stacy thanking me, never thought I'd see the day.

Captain Stacy:Don't think too much on it, you did good that's all I'm saying.

Spider-Man:Well either way it's a surprise anyways I gotta go, stay safe Captain.

Spider-Man swings away as Captain Stacy looks to him slightly smiling before gaining a serious look again, as Spidey swings through the city he notices two drivers next to each other both sticking their hand out for a first bump so Spidey threads the needle as he slides in between both while fist bumping both them before shooting another web and pulling himself up.

Spidey lands on the roof of a building across from Midtown High as he begins putting his clothes over his costume while of course taking off the boots and gloves, while he's doing so his phone rings and he takes it out seeing that it's Gwen so he answers.

Y/n:Hey Gwen, what's up?

Gwen:Y/n where are you? You're late.

Y/n:I know sorry I got held up look I'm practically already here just wait a bit.

Gwen:Okay I trust you, just worried is all.

Y/n:Don't worry I get it, anyways you'll see me right now so bye.

Gwen:Bye I love you.

Y/n:I love you too.

Y/n hangs up as he hears into the school arriving at his homeroom heading inside as everyone looks and Ms.Hardy looks to him while crossing her arms.

Ms.Hardy:Y/n you're late for the 2nd time this week.

Y/n:I know I'm sorry I got held up by traffic there was an accident.

Ms.Hardy:Well as long you're okay, go ahead take a seat and please try not to be late again.

Y/n:I'll try not to be Ms.Hardy.

Y/n goes to his seat next to Gwen as she looks to him while he sits down.

Gwen:What was it this time?

Y/n:A robbery, some guys stole a Oscorp truck but I managed to stop them your Dad was even there and he even complimented me.

Gwen:He's been warming up to Spider-Man since the Electro incident.

Y/n:Yeah it seems like it.

The two of them sit together as under the desk they're holding each other's hand just happy to be with each other.

End of Chapter 6

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