Chapter Eight "Rise of Scorpion Arc"

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It's the next day as Spider-Man swings through the city making his way to the docks, last night with Gwen he overheard Captain Stacy talking on the phone about a tip they had received of a weapons deal going on in an abandoned boat dock.

Spidey swings his way there running across rooftops and building eventually making his way there, landing on the ground he looks around the dock for any signs of a deal going on when when the sound of a car gains his attention.

He turns around to see a Police car pull up to the dock and Captain Stacy exits out of it looking confused as to why Spider-Man's here.

Captain Stacy:Spider-Man what are you here?

Spider-Man:I got a tip of an arms deal going down here, I assume you're here for the same reason?

Captain Stacy:Yeah, well you're here now and I guess I could use the help so come on.

Captain Stacy walks up to the door of an old boat house, he tries to open it but the door doesn't budge so he looks to Spidey.

Captain Stacy:Can you use your super strength to open the door?

Spider-Man:Sure thing.

Spider-Man walks to the door as he pushes on it completely breaking the lock causing the door to open.

Captain Stacy:Good work.


The two then enter together to see that the place has long been abandoned with nothing but cobwebs and dust filling the place.

Spider-Man:Place seems empty.

Captain Stacy:Yeah it seems empty but there's always more that meets the eye, let's look around.

The two look around for any signs of something being hidden in the building but they don't find anything, Spider-Man goes to tell Captain Stacy that he doesn't believe anything is here when his Spider-Sense goes crazy as something goes to attack him from behind so he quickly dodges out of the way and looks to see a giant stinger stuck into the ground as someone walks into view from the shadows.

Captain Stacy:What the hell?

Spider-Man:Stay where you are Captain, I'll deal with this.

The man reveals himself as Spider-Man sees that he's wearing a sort of super suit, the man looks to Spidey as he detaches his stinger from the ground.

Scorpion:It's good to see you again Spider-Man.

Spider-Man:I'm sorry do I know you, I don't remember fighting anyone cosplaying a Scorpion.

Scorpion:Don't worry, you will.

Scorpion leaps to Spider-Man as the two trade and block each other's punches, Scorpion goes to stab him with his stinger but Spidey dodges the attacks and grabs the tail spinning around and slamming Scorpion into a steel beam as it bends due to the force.

Scorpion simply gets up angrier as the two again continue to fight this time incorporating kicks into their attacks but Spidey gets the upper hand as he ducks under a left hook from Scorpion and punches him in the chest knocking him back before then kicking him in the chest completely knocking him into the wall as he falls over.

Spider-Man:Let me guess, there was no arms deal you just gave us that deal to get to me.

Scorpion releases a chuckle before pulling something out.

Scorpion:Not necessarily.

The sound of a truck gains their attention as they look out and see a truck driving away with bomb and oil barrels in the back, Spider-Man looks back to Scorpion and sees as he activates the bomb with the detonator in his hand.

Scorpion:You've got a choice catch me or stop the bomb, choose wisely hero.

Scorpion begins to leave as Spidey looks to him before looking to the bomb and makes his choice as he looks to Captain Stacy.

Spider-Man:I'm going after the bomb.

Captain Stacy:I'll join you.

Spider-Man:Fine by me just be careful.

Spider-Man swings into action as he chases after the truck, it's barreling through the streets of Manhattan though thankfully it hasn't hit anyone, eventually Spider-Man catches up to the truck as he pulls out the driver webbing him up to a lamppost and then uses his momentum to stop truck while grabbing it with his bare hands.

He stops the truck and quickly moves to the back webbing up the bomb and throws it to the sky and shoots webs at it to suppress the explosion which works as the explosion is much smaller than it would've been, the sound of a car with sirens gets his attention as he looks over and sees Captain Stacy getting out of his car.

Captain Stacy:Nice work Spider-Man, you just saved a lot of lives.

Spider-Man:Thanks Captain though what matters is that everyone's fine.

Captain Stacy:First this Electro guy and now this.

Spider-Man:Yeah this is bad, especially with the fact that it seems this guy's got a personal vendetta against me.

Spidey looks to the truck and wonders who this guy is and what he did to him that'd cause him to hate him so much he'd try to bomb innocents just to get at him.

End of Chapter 8

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