Chapter Fifteen "Doc Ock Rises Arc"

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It rains heavily as Doc Ock climbs on the side of Oscorp Tower while holding Norman Osborn captive, Norman looks around panicked as he looks down and sees how high they are and if Otto were to drop him well he definitely didn't wanna think about that. Eventually Doc Ock reaches the top of Oscorp as he pulls Norman close to him.

Doc Ock:Everything you have is built on lies! Lies!

Doc Ock drops Norman quickly as he screams but he's then grab by Doc Ock on the leg as he raises him up and puts a phone to his face.

Doc Ock:Tell them everything! All of what you've done!

Norman:So you want the truth?

Doc Ock looks to Norman and grins deviously assuming Norman was going to confess.

Norman:You see the truth is, the truth is that I was always better than you. You're a failure Otto and you always will be.

Doc Ock looks to Norman before screaming as he drops him, Norman falls down the building at a fast rate as he screams for his life but then he's caught and thrown onto the roof of a building, Norman gets up and looks to Oscorp and smiles as he sees Spider-Man running up the side of the building heading to the roof.

Spider-Man runs to the roof of Oscorp Tower before eventually getting there as he lands on the roof and sees as Doc Ock observes the city before turning around and looks to Spider-Man.

Doc Ock:You saved him didn't you?

Spider-Man:Of course I did, if Norman has done anything wrong than he can face what he's done in court.

Doc Ock:Why!? Why do you save filth like him!?

Spider-Man:Cause it's not up for us to decide who lives and who dies.

Doc Ock:I won't stop til Norman pays for what he's done.

Spider-Man:Don't make me do this, I know who you are all of the Great things you can do it's not too late to stop what you're doing.

Doc Ock:I'm afraid it is, now don't get in my way.

Spider-Man:I'm afraid I can't do that.

Both Spider-Man and Doc Ock get into a battle stance as the two then rush each other with Doc Ock trying to attack Spider-Man with his arms but he dodges his attacks before then getting close as the two begin to punch and brawl with each other in violent fashion.

Spider-Man punches Doc Ock in the face knocking him back but then Doc Ock grabs him by the arm and throws him as his back slams against the antenna that stands in the middle of the tower, the sound of a helicopter and spotlight shining on them gets their attention as they look over and see a news helicopter most definitely broadcasting this live.

Meanwhile at Gwen's house her and MJ watch the news in shock as they see Spider-Man and Doc Ock fighting each other but then they look on in worry as Spider-Man knocks Doc Ock off the building as the two fight other while falling through the air.

Meanwhile with Spider-Man he and Doc Ock fight and punch each other as they fall through the air before Spidey shoots two webs onto an adjacent building before pulling himself close to Doc Ock and kicking him in chest.

With the kick the two of them crash into the building breaking through the wall as the two are locked in the building, the two get up before immediately fighting each other again with Spider-Man landing lots of hits on Doc Ock but then Doc Ock lands one big on Spider-Man breaking his lense and ripping the bottom half of his mask revealing his mouth.

As Spider-Man is dazed Doc Ock speaks letting out a few words and those absolutely shake Spider-Man to his core.

Doc Ock:I told you to not get in my way, Y/n.

Y/n looks to Doc Ock shocked and what he just said.

Y/n:You knew?

Doc Ock:I said to not get in my way and what did you do!

Y/n:You knew!

Y/n looks to Doc Ock in anger before quickly running to him and tackling him as the two free fall again while Y/n repeatedly punches Doc Ock in the face before then reaching around his head and turns off the neural interface causing him to lose control of his arms before Y/n grabs him and throws him to the side of another building as he then shoots a web to his chest and pulls himself close kicking Doc Ock in the chest knocking the both of them into the building.

Doc Ock lays on the floor as Y/n gets up and webs his hands to the floor so he doesn't turn on the neural interface, Doc Ock looks to Y/n and sees nothing but anger and disappointment in his eyes.

Doc Ock:Y/n my boy.

Y/n:Don't call me that, after everything we've done together after all that we were gonna achieve. We were gonna change the world and fix lives and you just throw it all away!

Doc Ock:I know, I know what I've done was wrong but I can change now we can fix this and of course you can rest assured that your secret is safe with me.

Y/n looks to Doc in anger still before then turning around and walking away.

Y/n:I'm sorry Doc but it's too late for that.

Y/n walks away as Doc Ock simply lays behind him while pleading for Y/n to help but he doesn't listen as he continues to walk away with tears finally falling from his eyes.

Back with Gwen and MJ they stand Gwen's room as they discuss what they've just seen when a knock from the window gains their attention as they both look over and see as Y/n walks into the room with his mask off.

Y/n:Hey you two.

The two immediately rush to Y/n and hug him as he wraps his arms around them and accepts their warm embrace before pulling away.

MJ:Are you okay we saw the fight.

Y/n:Yeah I'm okay, I managed to beat him though it wasn't easy especially with who he used to be.

Gwen:I'm so sorry about what happened with Otto Y/n, I know it must've been hard to fight him.

Y/n:Yeah but in the end I thought about the city and it's people, that's what kept going and I didn't give up cause of it.

MJ:So does this mean that-

Y/n:Yeah it means that Spider-Man's back, I've grieved long enough.

The three of them embrace each other before separating as MJ and Y/n head home to get their respect night's rest especially Y/n deserving it the most. It's now the next day as Y/n and Gwen exit school together when Y/n looks to Gwen and decides to try something.

Y/n:Hey you wanna give something a try?


The scene cuts to Spider-Man as he swings around the city while holding Gwen in his arms, Gwen shouts in joy as she loves the feeling of swinging. People on the ground look on and cheer happy that their hero is back in action, Spidey swings low to the ground while Gwen looks on in amazement due to the speed at which they're going before Spidey pulls them up and rounds a corner as the camera gets a shot of them as Gwen wraps her arms around Spidey while having a look of joy on her face ending the scene with a shot of the happy couple enjoying their lives more than ever before.

End of Arc Three

Meanwhile back at Osborn's penthouse in a secret lab hidden in the walls, Harry and Norman continue to work on their experimental serum, after running a test on it the two look to the serum.

Harry:Finally after so long we've finished it.

Norman:With this drug we'll be able to change lives as we know it.

Harry:Though there's really only one way to know if it works.

The two look to each other before looking to the serum as they both contemplate in their heads on who's going to take the serum.

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